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Status Updates posted by cmoosego

  1. damn you are a slave driver!!!lol nah we can do it....

  2. you going ??? or not???

  3. how come you never talk to me anymore? douche....

  4. a sheep riding a bike in a circus tent.... with a guy chasing....

  5. I'll take pics of all the hooters I can...

  6. merry christmas bro.... hope ya got some good stuff...

  7. we gonna tear it up in your shower this weekend??? Or WHAT??? LOL

  8. hey dude.... how's it going? just droppin a line to see what's shakin'.....

  9. cops came and found the woman's son upstairs asleep... he forgot to secure the front door.... oh well cut his nap short....

  10. merry christmas bub... hope ya got some good shtuff ... and PBR...

  11. It's raining over by you

  12. friday, saturday evening, or sunday late afternoon, or monday...

  13. there's a storm moving in it's over by hilliard now...

  14. yeah I'm using the converter right now... awesome that i can put my vinyl on my I-pod.... it is so freaking cool!!

  15. when ya moving??? needs help? hit me up if so...

  16. I have some ideas..... I'll go over later and try to heat it off....

  17. you know I heart you and jim but c'mon, the buckeyes have been lucky and in a weak conference all year....

  18. Jack woods plumbing, they'll need to shut the water off at the curb box, You will have to call the city to do that then call the plumber, should run you about 125.00 bucks... the number is in the phone book... might want to call the plumber first to get on the schedule....

  19. helllllooooooooooooooooo

  20. whas up cute chica???

  21. courtney wants to see star trek at 7pm in pickerington....

  22. did ya get that set together???

  23. doesn't look good for a ride....

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