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Status Updates posted by cmoosego

  1. hey mang.... hows come you didn go out with the guys down south today??? still too cold for ya??

  2. hey manz is ya phone turned off.... been tryin to reach ya..

  3. hey Poppy.. any word on the sauce??

  4. hey pumpkin.... you gonna come see me now that your aids has gone into remission??

  5. hey punkin wanna go ride???

  6. hey sexcey!!! :lol: you coming out tonight? wanna hit a church festival?

  7. hey sexy girlfriend!!!! you gotta be tired... you wore me out last night !!! (wink wink)

  8. hey sexy, find that bike yet???

  9. hey that sink wasn't gonna work for you, it was more beat up then described to me at first....sorry dude...

  10. hey what do you think ? is this a good project bike for me ? http://columbus.craigslist.org/mcy/1244342564.html

  11. hey what time do you wanna get started tomorrow? Or did I already ask that?

  12. hey you aren't downtown dealing with floods... WTF???? LMAO

  13. hey you gonna be up for a ride to buffalo next week???

  14. hey you got any salt for the driveway? that I can borrow till I get to the store?

  15. hey you home yet??

  16. hey you ignorin me??? WTF man! LMAO

  17. hey you in for tomorrow???? bike night in pickerington...

  18. hey you like mad at me or somtin??? cause you don't be talkin to me mang....

  19. hey, do you wanna go to the gym????

  20. hey!! tried to call you forgot you don't have it on at work... got everything under 1st coat of mud... I jacked the temp up to 67 in the house to try to help it dry faster... see you tonight over there I have to go over and drop off supplies at Ananda's house and assemble the cabinets... should be able to get back over to you around 5 or so...

  21. heya kiddo how goes it?

  22. Hit up max power for that info on the granite guys that did his kitchen....

  23. hope ya had fun at my place, you are def. welcome anytime... K?

  24. hope you at least got kissed

  25. Hope you had fun last night babe.... I'll never forget it... wink wink....

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