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Status Updates posted by cmoosego

  1. they are open now if you wanna just call up there and get it paid for... that would help me out anyway..

  2. so we are freaks now huh???

  3. what up slim??? working today?

  4. it's cool mang.... if you can't I'll just tell the company to bite my ass, they can't keep me busy so I have to go out and drum up my own work.... they can suck it...

  5. did ya get the paint ordered? just checkin... and who am I gonna beat up?

  6. how'd you guess??? I thought he hid it well.... you know you are just gonna be his beard....

  7. what are you wearing right now?.... LMAO.... smile you are on hidden camera!!!

  8. of course at least you are working and pulling down some cash....

  9. damn f your life right now....

  10. don't you have work in the am??? lil past your bedtime....

  11. yeah I borrowed it today...

  12. leaving the office to go do some more work.... feeling better?

  13. you like blowers??? have I got a guy for you.... his name is lance....LOL

  14. what up jack wad?

  15. I just finished up with a job... I'm over at the office now...

  16. absolutely.... when and where... I got some time right now... LOL

  17. dood.... is wheezle botherin ya?? I can kick his ass for ya if you want...

  18. hey chica.... how's it goin??

  19. dood.... long time no talkie.... hows the bike and shoulder runnin?

  20. what up mafia mastermind?

  21. oh sexy girlfriend........... HA HA Ha!

  22. yeah couldn't sleep

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