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Status Updates posted by cmoosego

  1. how bout friday?? thurs I have to work the 2nd job...

  2. how bout some sparklers out of my zipper??

  3. how come you never talk to me anymore? douche....

  4. how come you never talk to me anymore???lol

  5. How many moose can fit in this thing??? LOL

  6. how was the mirage and sinbads???

  7. how were you able to change that line under your screen name, to DTC 4 life?? i can't find the damn edit button to do it....

  8. how ya feelin there champ??

  9. how'd that go..... you doing ok getting around and doing stuff? I get self conscience when people don't talk to me for a while... I tend to piss off people with my " tell it like it is " attitude...

  10. how'd you guess??? I thought he hid it well.... you know you are just gonna be his beard....

  11. how's 10 am ... got church in the am.... and that way you can sleep in....

  12. how's it going mang??? you up for a ride tomorrow with me, justin , and one other guy???

  13. how's married life? seems you still spend a bunch of time on here, maybe I should talk to your wife about it... lol

  14. how's mississippi?

  15. how's the house stuff going?? I just got done doing some pretty heavy mod's to justin's kitchen... now it's patching drywall and making everything match again.... weeee fun!

  16. how's the north?

  17. hows the game going???

  18. hows the legs doing dude?? hope you are feelin better

  19. I am gonna head over to your house here in a few and clean up the floor to prep for luan.... maybe get that shit done tonight then go and see about vinyl.....

  20. I am gonna try to make it up next weekend if they don't send me to signature soon...

  21. I am never going to ride out there with any f-n body besides you and kawi..... end of story

  22. I am so glad you aren't a drama girl...... I've had it up to my forehead with the drama laden chicks around here..... you rock cause you got your shit together!!!

  23. I am so gonna kick your ass for starting that hilarious assed thread..... lol

  24. I am so ready for downing some PBR's with ya man....

  25. I bought a new pig sticker....

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