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Status Updates posted by cmoosego

  1. I called and left you a voicemail.... about helping justin and I move shit outta his apt and over to the house... Jagr's in, gonna have pizza and beer.... you in??? gonna meet up around 830 am at justins hacienda...

  2. I called down and had them put extra PBR in the cooler....LOLZ

  3. I called ya about going to the gun show today mang.... where was ya??

  4. I can do the donation again this year just had to check with the boss.... I 'll have the thing printed up like last year...

  5. I can do you one better. come to the parade saturday and see them for yourself... or we can meet up sometime... up to you...

  6. I can have it on the tv if it is on cable....

  7. I could bring you soup..... chicky noodle....mmmmm good...

  8. I could.... saturday works for me I don't have anything till 2 pm I think I could do a walk thru with you and give you some ideas.... whats the address.... so I can plug it into my GPS

  9. I didn't go... i figured you'd be up for that kinda debauchery... lol just kiddin.... hope alls well with ya...

  10. i didn't say I'd use it on you... lol... you aren't built right for my tastes.... HA!

  11. I don't get the direction this board is going at times....

  12. I don't have any of the remainder left I kinda ruined it trying to figure out a way to finish it off and have it look good... sorry... the only solutions I could come up with were to add a piece of wood stained to match the other stuff and have it round it off that way.... didn't know if that would fly or not...

  13. I don't think peeps like me much around here.... nobody wants to hang out and watch hockey with me.... am I that big of an asshole??? oh well f- em' I was riding solo long before I came here..

  14. I don't want a scooter...lol

  15. I dunno... early christmas present??

  16. I figured you'd like that one

  17. I forgot to tell you I thought you looked hot tonight... nice top! I was like BOING!!!! LOL much love and respect...

  18. I found the perfect smilie for you....0002017D.gif

    cause someone has you on ice....

  19. i get there around 7 or so... to work...

  20. I get you... just don't be all "swingr" like about it.... all I'm sayin.. LOL

  21. I got home and fell asleep... long week mang... I'm gettin old...LOL

  22. I guess thats why we get along so well.... that and the fact that I have no internal filter that tells me when to keep my mouth shut.... how was the tattoo show??

  23. I have a guy that could do rockers and a logo on leather vests..... i actually talked to ben about doing it and having actual chapters of ohio riders with regular meetings and all... Patching in a bunch of sporty riders sounds like fun to me...

  24. I have had more free beer in the last 12 hrs then Ive had beer all year long... LOL

  25. I have one appt today then the rest of the day is at your house in the bathroom.... pinky swear!!!

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