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Status Updates posted by cmoosego

  1. so, you working tomorrow?

  2. tonight too soon for you?

  3. besides it'd give me a chance to return the favor you gave me last night... lol

  4. I could bring you soup..... chicky noodle....mmmmm good...

  5. i'd be down for ice cream....

  6. i didn't say I'd use it on you... lol... you aren't built right for my tastes.... HA!

  7. where is the ice cream fest???

  8. how bout friday?? thurs I have to work the 2nd job...

  9. checky you pm mang....

  10. 26th 7 pm, jack you best be there...

  11. I should have hung out with you and justin.... for a little while anyway.... I went back got pissed off and left...

  12. you coming out tomorrow night??? it's my birfday.... come to the hall and have some cake...

  13. weds works call you after I'm done for the day...

  14. birfday 2 moro.... u coming to the hall?? have some cake.... give me tips for cheap beers...:lol:

  15. you never answer your damn phone bitch!!

  16. it's cool if you can't make it.... I gots pups too... I understand...and its a tuesday...

  17. HEy mang!!! You coming saturday to the cook out??? I could have a special burger set aside for ya..... maybe a double...

  18. cool man..... I'm looking forward to having a motivation to get back into it again... maybe not as intensely as before, I don't think any of the girls on the board could handle it if I got all buffed out again... I gotta stay a little flabby so as to not steal you younger guys thunder.... lol

  19. hey mang had some shit hit the fan at work today, not gonna make it tonight, wanna pick up that stuff at bathworks?? or I can do it tomorrow after work...

  20. yeah I worked it out, I didn't want to take time away from your son.... it just took me a half an hour more is all... 2 fans up and running new wiring and all only took me 4 hours total.

  21. around 830 me and justin went to new york pizza over in pick town to grab a bite to eat...

  22. you at home buddy??

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