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Everything posted by cmoosego

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qkx3Fy_BCOs I forgot!!!
  2. oh, my mistake.... so sorry!...
  3. sometimes you come across that way, but I heard from sam that your ass is just the right size for your body... whatever that means....
  4. you know I'm a teasing you right sweetie??

  5. to be completely brutally honest dude if we were face to face and you said some crap like that to me (drunk or not) you'd be tasting shoe leather for weeks... that's real life... in real life I get the impression you wouldn't say that to someone's face... (drunk or otherwise)... in real life I think you would act responsibly and accordingly... and I still haven't seen an acceptance from the offended...(i.e. casper or schmuck)
  6. kawi can ride it long and hard with the dtc.... oh yeah we were talking about bikes not his GF's toys....
  7. + 1 gixxie... man it just seems like you are dancing a bit on here just to give an impression... yeah your peeps may "know you" but what about those that haven't "known you" that long, they would certainly get the wrong impression based upon what you posted on YOUR site... I gotta say man it looks like you are trying to play us for suckers...
  8. so you are coming down the 11th?? gonna have good burgers...
  9. cmoosego

    sat. nite

    after the other night it'd be hard for me to forget..... mmmmmmmm nice!
  10. I don't have eggs to share but I'll gladly throw cheeseburgers at your hacienda....
  11. I agree that the forums are a great way to exchange ideas and opinions, it is also (in this case) being used to provide a rift between our 2 groups... I haven't seen any evidence of you retracting what you said, just trying to excuse it away due to drinking too much... there is a difference. If you truly are apologetic, then you should have no problem posting a complete retraction... then and only then will I belive your sincere. And I think that the offended should post an acceptance of said apology to truly "bury the hatchet"
  12. Ok then man up and stop the crap flow off of your site....
  13. cmoosego

    sat. nite

    I just got home from being out.... going out on tuesday too... happy st. patrick's day weekend baby!!
  14. dang man.... sounds like a weak assed apology to me... man up and take it off your site, or post an apology and a retraction. Yeah you were drunk but that doesn't take away the responsibility of what you chose to put out there for everyone, then let it continue and escalate on your site.... like MJ said own up and accept responsibility... or just remove yourself and your apparent dislike for Ohio Riders members, and let by gones be by gones....
  15. hmmm well I guess I'd have to say I've been riding with a 1/2 helmet and a full face lid, I like my full face when the weather turns crappy , but in the heat of summer the half helmet is my friend, but I wear armored jackets all the time with heavy jeans and boots, sometimes chaps... I don't worry about catching rocks and such because of my windshield, but I do suppose I take a risk in a crash not wearing the full facer... it's a matter of personal preference really... do research find what works best for your situation, and don't be afraid to have more then one helmet.... I've got 4...
  16. welcome , can you make the spring get together??
  17. welcome tim, don't miss the spring get together!!
  18. welcome to the site mang..... enjoy the party scene...
  19. different erica davidson.... ours was a cop...
  20. you have no imagination, you should call yourself pimp daddy rod....
  21. cool then we can make you dance for spare change....
  22. another great fish fry in the books..... thanks to jagr for donating the killer sauces, and I got to meet CMB, cool chick, she rides a cruiser so she fit in well with me... hope you had a good drive to washington court house... hope to see more peeps at the next one....
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