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Status Updates posted by cmoosego

  1. hey that sink wasn't gonna work for you, it was more beat up then described to me at first....sorry dude...

  2. you down for a ride sunday with me n justin and some others???

  3. you going to dave's hotel party???

  4. hey man did ya forget something today or you still not feeling good....

  5. surprised you aren't at dave's hotel party at easton with justin and all of em'

  6. you suck buddy..... 00020182.gif

  7. having a great time.. sheesh, dirty mind!!

  8. It really weren't that cold out..... till I discovered my windshield bracket was breaking in two.... luckily on my way home at that point.... guess it's up for the winter now!!!

  9. want me to come give you a shot of something to kill it??? like jagrmiester??? LOL

  10. new years eve.... be there or be square! bring Kimmy she's popular with the fellas! lmao

  11. yeah but everyone's gotta cut loose from time to time.... so you workin tomorrow??

  12. did ya get the paint ordered? just checkin... and who am I gonna beat up?

  13. looks like ya found a good one.... you should put out now to keep him around... LMAO just kiddin luv...

  14. hey you got any salt for the driveway? that I can borrow till I get to the store?

  15. PM fonz and let him know ya wanna prospect... he'll get ya in!

  16. got over to the house today, got everything coated again, I'd let it dry over the weekend, some of the mud was a little wet yet, probably due to the thickness and the moisture content in the air. (due to the rain) shoudl be ready to sand and prime the walls come monday, and do the texture then too..

  17. dude do you know what the hell we are doing this weekend???

  18. yo bro... what time we getting together for the show... gotta coordinate with Art ... I figured we'd all caravan up together...

  19. what going down capt'n???

  20. missed ya at classics tonight mang.... hope to see ya weds. @ QSL

  21. would you be down for riding to utica for the big velvet ice cream festival???

  22. dang man that sucks.... you gonna buy that other wrecked one and swap out the needed parts???

  23. am I missing something???

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