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Status Updates posted by cmoosego

  1. leaving dublin around 930 am then heading to meet up with the dtc in kenton around 11 am

  2. leaving for kenton round 9 am... prolly meet up in dublin round 33 and 270 round 8 or so .... unless you wanna meet somwhere else... I figured meet up grab a bite to eat for breakfast and head out... meeting up in kenton round 11 am...

  3. leaving the office to go do some more work.... feeling better?

  4. let me know when a good time would be, he's booked this weekend...

  5. let me know when you find a place and I can come help you "adjust" the price accordingly... that way you can get the best deal and get it taken care of and walk away with extra cash....

  6. let them puppies fly!!

  7. lets do it friday night... so we can do it fresh for saturday morning.. cool?

  8. like my new sig line???

  9. loan me 500 bucks and I'll loan you the kat for the rest of the season...I gottas gets the damn thing fixed

  10. long story, short version..... had a rough week, got pissed at some comment and left....

  11. looked like a creamsicle going down the road, all white n orange... darn sexy!!

  12. looks like ya found a good one.... you should put out now to keep him around... LMAO just kiddin luv...

  13. love ya babe!!!

  14. luvs ya bubby....Bwhaaa haa haa...

  15. maybe wanna buy me a tire?

  16. maybe you need that colon cleanse....

  17. maybe... we gonna ride before the end of year? Art wants to do a small group cruise somewhere local

  18. maybe.... I got a KofC meeting tonight....

  19. maybes....Loving the job ... I get to play with bikes all day how could I not love it?

  20. me and justin are headed down to hocking for a leisurely ride this morning... we thought about you last night when we ended up at Brothers in the short north... wow the bar scene sure has changed since I was into it.... course I think you and justin were still in middle school when I was going...LOL.... we had fun wish we had your number so you could have joined us... it was entertaining to say the least...

  21. merry christmas bro.... hope ya got some good stuff...

  22. merry christmas bub... hope ya got some good shtuff ... and PBR...

  23. might be a minute to get to it... i could look at it soon... not this weekend tho, going to cincy to visit with dad... maybe some night next week early...

  24. missed ya today bubby...

  25. missed ya at classics tonight mang.... hope to see ya weds. @ QSL

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