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Status Updates posted by cmoosego

  1. yeah.... and as far as the bike in atlanta... I suppose we could ride down together and you could ride the bike back... if you didnt want to borrow a trailer....

  2. heard you weren't feeling well, hope you are feeling better, maybe come to the KofC for newyears eve? I need ta get ya your dish back too!! LOL

  3. hey dude... got your message... shoot me you number so we can talk about it...

  4. you guys just tag team internet or what??? one logs on the other logs off... wtf mang???

  5. just seems like you are really pushing this whole track thing... we all know you are good at it, no need to keep pounding it... don't want you coming off like a douche.. cause I know you aren't.

  6. you comin up for the cook out mang???

  7. ahhh it happens to the strongest of us.... no problemo

  8. you wanna ride saturday???

  9. dude found a website that has accessories that are " supposed" to fit the tu 250 http://www.twistedthrottle.com/trade/productlist/742/

  10. absolutely.... ripping the carpet out is the easy side.... replacement options are vinyl, tile, hardwood, or laminates... prices range from the .68 cent a piece tiles all the way to 20.00 a square foot hardwoods...

  11. hey man, you coming to the cook out?

  12. from findlay.... hmm... have you tried expedia, or google earth? with expedia just type in the start and finish addy's it'll give ya good directions... the addy for the hall is 4217 east main st. whitehall ohio .... if you get turned around just give me a call when you hit columbus... 614 554-8056

  13. did ya like that???

  14. got ya beat... i put in 500 over the weekend.... 400 back n forth to cincinnati, and an additional 100 trolling around the backroads of cinci with my little sister...:D

  15. about time wingman....

  16. cool, I will call you this evening while I am at the bar working.... 2nd job... fun...

  17. did ya get my messages yesterday?

  18. I get you... just don't be all "swingr" like about it.... all I'm sayin.. LOL

  19. well as long as he don't mind us having our internet fling... 0002006E.gif

  20. you sold the magna without consulting me??? WTF man?? lol good looking new one .... you'll have to let me try it out sometime... HA HA

  21. you are up late.... going for fourth meal???

  22. prolly gonna hit hocking or coshocton tomorrow with a couple ppl.... wanna go???

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