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Status Updates posted by cmoosego

  1. missed ya at the cook out mang.... I wanted to meat you again... lol

  2. missed ya at the ride sunday.... prolly had to work... see ya in january tho...

  3. missed ya last night man wish ya coulda come up to cleveland for the show mang!!!! had a blast with the fonz n dem!

  4. mohican would keep it closer to you , I know you gotta be back round 8 pm... I just don't want it to be a bs ride with no purpose or where everyone has to bail early to get back home....

  5. most evenings, just call me.... 554 8056....

  6. movie later today???

  7. much luv for ya brotha.... gotta f- with ya from time to time...

  8. nah I didnt really drink but maybe 5 beers and 3 shots all night...

  9. nah it's cool mang.... your bike is locked up in the hall... safe and sound...

  10. nah just down to sundays now..

  11. nah not yet..... i don't think mandie likes me anymore... so If i was in she'd prolly be out... so I won't do that to ya... you guys have fun... I'll just hang with my wife and maybe hook up with jagr and justin later...

  12. nah with cultured marble I can get the sink integrated.... no need for purchase my mang... unless ya want a stainless steel sink...

  13. nah you'd make a hell of a right winger!!!

  14. nah, do you need one I have an extra half helmet if you need one for regular riding... I can bring it saturday with me...

  15. nah, just want you to know I think you are awesome.... even with the Gangly fingers... (kiss kiss, hug hug...)

  16. need diversity bro... bring the scooter n yours... http://www.ohio-riders.com/showthread.php?t=29405

  17. need the addy for your shop mang... wanna bring over my wife's car to get and estimate on a paint job... thanks brotha.

  18. new years eve.... be there or be square! bring Kimmy she's popular with the fellas! lmao

  19. nice seeing you @ lunch.... hope your chicken was good...

  20. no problemo brotha.... anytime ya wanna hang ... just let me know...

  21. no problemo brotha.... can't wait to tear it up again...

  22. no problemo.... I'd do it again just to see your smiling face...

  23. No problemo.... if you think you are gonna come in for one of the bike nights let me know and I can meet up with you ....

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