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Status Updates posted by cmoosego

  1. this fuckin ringo kid is killin me....LMAO

  2. thought you was studying??

  3. thought you were gonna go party babe.....

  4. thought you were sleepy???

  5. today, early evening or would it work better for you on sunday?

  6. tonight too soon for you?

  7. true.... he has way too much time on his hands....

  8. u coming over to the club tonight for some pre thanksgiving beverages??

  9. u feel better now that I'm back?

  10. u r a mod??? cool... now I can piss people off and not worry about getting banned..lmao

  11. wanna come gamble a little ???

  12. wanna do hooters on main? it should be a better turnout then classics.... I get the feeling that few people liked the place...

  13. wanna go for a ride this morning with swingr??? I was thinking about heading over to his house to check out his concrete ideas... then maybe going out for a short ride...

  14. wanna go for a ride with me n swingr today???

  15. wanna go to gaswerks bike night tonight??? me and justin are plannin on going w a group from the east side...

  16. wanna have me come check that drywall out today or tomorrow???

  17. wanna hit the streets in a bit?

  18. wanna ride tomorrow??? thinking after 2 or so.... after we fix the floor trannies!!

  19. wanna talk to you about the sv... what do you wanna get out of it?

  20. want me to come give you a shot of something to kill it??? like jagrmiester??? LOL

  21. was I supposed to??? I freakin forgot....sorry man got so tied up with doin that concrete pad for swing'r... wanna do it this week ?tell me when you are available...

  22. we going to gaswerks tonight???

  23. we gonna tear it up in your shower this weekend??? Or WHAT??? LOL

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