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Status Updates posted by cmoosego

  1. gottcha.... unless this gets banned on OR too....

  2. hey dime bag... lol fish fry starts this friday... you and the Mrs. coming out??

  3. enjoying the vacation there sport-o?

  4. you ready for today???

  5. happy new year dude

  6. hey mang you wanna ride tomorrow??

  7. did you check out the speaker site??? i thought it looked like a good deal...

  8. hey if you want it it's yours, I told ya bud yous gots dibs...

  9. wanna ride tomorrow??? thinking after 2 or so.... after we fix the floor trannies!!

  10. you like blowers??? have I got a guy for you.... his name is lance....LOL

  11. I don't get the direction this board is going at times....

  12. actually it's 2 bills in courtney's pocket to pay bills with..thanks for understanding man... I know i'll come across another one here eventually... I have changed out a few here lately. I try to find ya a really good one..

  13. you suck buddy!!! but hey gotta do it right?? keep the white man down...

  14. hey give me a call later I have a question for you... need an opinion....

  15. hey I bet you could talk them into 100 bucks for this and I'd put it in for you Gratis... http://columbus.craigslist.org/app/1602680141.html

    its a good model and only 3 yrs old, it would be worth 100 bucks...

  16. comin to ur place after work... if thas cool...

  17. cool mang... thanks...

  18. when you wanna get together to look at fixin that window???

  19. what up slim??? working today?

  20. yeah the only reason I jumped in cause I was directly named....had to speak up... I never have been one to punk out... guess it gets me on lists too... lol

  21. you gotta check out my post in the t-shirt thread... possibly my best work ever...

  22. got my tires on saturday, already got 60 miles on them....

  23. sorry didn't make it this morning, my sugar is so high right now I feel drunk... and I haven't had anything to drink in 5 or so days.... I've felt like crap since last night around 630.... that's why I bailed on QSL...my head is still splittin!

  24. dang man, when am I gonna be able to get you out of the funk you are in....you are starting to depress me... lol

  25. you suck buddy.....

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