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Status Updates posted by cmoosego

  1. yeah I borrowed it today...

  2. yeah I got an 07 c-50... toured out... yeah we gotta hit the road sometime...

  3. yeah I got some stuff to get straight too....

  4. yeah I got some sun too.. farmers tan damn I used to be able to stay outside for hours and just tan.... wtf happened .... guess we are getting old.... lol

  5. yeah I gots some funky music.... actually I just picked up the kat today.... gotta go pick up a battery from cheech this week sometime before I can start figuring out what I need to do with it...

  6. yeah I knew that...

  7. yeah I know the feelin....

  8. yeah I talked with ben for a minute, sounds like ya'll had a good time....

  9. yeah I think justin really likes hangin with you around....he says you are prolly the most open chick he's ever met... and I think you are pretty cool too...

  10. yeah I went there.... no custom user tab at all, just my basic info stuff...

  11. yeah I worked it out, I didn't want to take time away from your son.... it just took me a half an hour more is all... 2 fans up and running new wiring and all only took me 4 hours total.

  12. yeah I'm just trying to get my mind right.... losing my best friend from high school has put a bunch in my head....

  13. yeah I'm sure of it...

  14. yeah I'm using the converter right now... awesome that i can put my vinyl on my I-pod.... it is so freaking cool!!

  15. yeah it were cool, the bike show was kinda small but I saw some cool ideas that I wanna try on my bike....

  16. yeah man sorry I couldn't make the party.... i wasn't feelin all that great and didn;t want to drag down the party vibes..

  17. yeah man we'll tear it up once we get up there...who's all riding with you?

  18. yeah not a problemo... anything i can do to help ya out man... just let me know..

  19. yeah that happens..... oh well... whattya do...

  20. yeah the only reason I jumped in cause I was directly named....had to speak up... I never have been one to punk out... guess it gets me on lists too... lol

  21. yeah then maybe we can go out for a ride.... for boats n hoes....

  22. yeah true that.... you going to pratt's footsball party?

  23. yeah we can get them tomorrow before we head over to bike night...

  24. yeah well it's good for ice skating!!

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