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Status Updates posted by cmoosego

  1. hey man! How's it going? where about's in canal are ya?

  2. do you want to go down that far??? last time me n justin went we spent 5 hours riding around and checking stuff out....

  3. you and diamo down for a ride saturday??? leaving cbus round 9 am headed to kenton to meet up with the DTC gang, be back in cbus round 7 or 8 pm....

  4. I only have the one.... it's a cruiser, but the guys I hang with (for the most part) all have sporties... I bet I can get you on at least one of them....

  5. its not on my screen... yours either... wtf I miss the sarge...

  6. I've been averaging 3 hours a day for the past week and a half.... this sucks.... I don't know what the hell I'm gonna do ..... looking for a part time job to make up the difference....

  7. Oh that sounded wrong after I posted it....000202ED.gif

  8. dude are you like pissed @ me or what??? I tried calling and messenging you no answer... what did I do wrong?

  9. I lulz you.... he he he

  10. I have had more free beer in the last 12 hrs then Ive had beer all year long... LOL

  11. is it good enough to ride down thru hocking a bit today with me and jayson, maybe justin if I can talk him into it???

  12. so i make you look like a jackass??? you do so well on your own tho! Monkey boy!

  13. why confused???

  14. whats the news on the hotel in jan? so I know how much money I need...

  15. or around canal somewhere..... max got his bike back together... trying to talk him into going too...

  16. are we having fun yet???

  17. gonna go check out teh fry situation at mickey d's

  18. can you go out for a couple hours sometime round noonish???

  19. I want one of each also, and different brands, and models... hell I just like bikes....and girls... and girls on bikes...whew is it getting hot in here?00020169.gif

  20. 000203DB.gif me at a wendy's.....
  21. hey dude get the pup fixed yet? Yeah I know it 's me I feel tons better...

  22. hey dude call me.....heading over to justins in a bit here

  23. most evenings, just call me.... 554 8056....

  24. wanna go for a ride with me n swingr today???

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