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Status Updates posted by cmoosego

  1. you ready for today???

  2. you ready to head over???

  3. you should buy that f4 and let julie ride it... then when you buy the 1000 let her ride your 600 and sell me the f4... I got all the angles figured here... LOL

  4. you sold the magna without consulting me??? WTF man?? lol good looking new one .... you'll have to let me try it out sometime... HA HA

  5. you still got the dumpster at the house???

  6. you still in for saturday?

  7. you suck buddy!!! but hey gotta do it right?? keep the white man down...

  8. you suck buddy..... 00020182.gif

  9. you suck buddy.....

  10. you suck buddy....

  11. you suck bunghole!!!

  12. YOU SUCK MAN!! Have fun today... be safe till ya can get new tires too....

  13. you wanna drop in on focus dave's hotel party later???

  14. you wanna get doors tonight????

  15. you wanna go fishing?

  16. you wanna go out friday with a small group of us???

  17. you wanna go riding with me and jagr today??

  18. you wanna ride any today??? I got a couple things to do then I'm good to go out....

  19. you wanna ride saturday???

  20. you wanna ride today???

  21. you want a cultured marble that looks like granite???? I could look up the price tomorrow if so....

  22. you want me to set aside some leftovers for you and carin?

  23. yours also.... I missed ya at the cook out, but we'll be planning another soon... how do you feel about the money going to the helping hands charity? I raised about 300 bucks on this one....

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