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Status Updates posted by cmoosego

  1. did ya have fun man???

    be over at the house soon... we need to pick up that stain too...

  2. did ya have fun? on a short ride?

  3. did ya like that???

  4. did ya see where rick volunteered ya for some partying next weekend??

  5. did you check out the speaker site??? i thought it looked like a good deal...

  6. did you get my message dude???

  7. did you get the package?

  8. did you get your camper together??

  9. did you n mike get the house power washed yet??? been waiting to hear if you needed it....

  10. didn't know if you were gonna make it but here's the info... http://www.ohio-riders.com/showthread.php?t=29405

  11. distracted by bobbies all night tonight...:lol:

  12. do i need to take out one or more of your bosses???

  13. do you ever work???

  14. do you need help for the awareness rally this weekend??? if so call me k?? need to know soon.... got a bunch happening

  15. do you want to go down that far??? last time me n justin went we spent 5 hours riding around and checking stuff out....

  16. doesn't look good for a ride....

  17. don't you have work in the am??? lil past your bedtime....

  18. dont forget to ask angel about the 4th of july... I got todd hooked up to bring truck n trailer, just need you buddy

  19. dood.... is wheezle botherin ya?? I can kick his ass for ya if you want...

  20. dood.... long time no talkie.... hows the bike and shoulder runnin?

  21. dood.... parade.... bring kid n 4 wheeler... tons of fun free food after... http://www.ohio-riders.com/showthread.php?t=29405

  22. dood.... wanna bring down the busa and show it off in a parade???

  23. dublin Irish fest. this weekend.... irish whiskey tasting on friday....

  24. dude are you like pissed @ me or what??? I tried calling and messenging you no answer... what did I do wrong?

  25. dude bike night hooters hilliard ,you in???

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