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Status Updates posted by cmoosego

  1. you ok there bubby?

  2. in the spring I'm gonna have to let you ride the kat.... I think you'll do better then on the fiddy... lol

  3. boo yeah monkey man!!!

  4. what up skippy...you gots yer party now...

  5. hey you ignorin me??? WTF man! LMAO

  6. you don't like that 1sie?? and in baby blue?? It'd bring the color out in your eyes...LMAO!!!

  7. DUUUUUUDE!!! set a date for a spring get together in c-bus.... april 11th check my pre-spring get together post for info..

  8. cool, yeah at least it's running....

  9. dang mang.... we gotta get together and ride after ya get the beast inspected....

  10. I knew you would be once you got on one... you are hardcore adrenaline junkie... LOL If I run across anyone looking to start out I'll have them hit you up...

  11. yeah went to fetch the mail.....

  12. hey mang ... anything you need fixed around the house?? in exchange for the jacket?? I'd like it but I don't have $50 right now...

  13. you wanna ride today???

  14. I found the perfect smilie for you....0002017D.gif

    cause someone has you on ice....

  15. what up dude? you still cranking and burning with school and all??

  16. how bout some sparklers out of my zipper??

  17. well ok.... wanna ride this afternoon???

  18. dunno.... you have fun with your 3 way ..... ha ha ha!

  19. you gonna make it this weekend??? need your bike in the parade dude...

  20. hey man... look what I found for you... 2 toyrota trucks for sale... and a magna all in one post! http://columbus.craigslist.org/mat/1223747988.html

  21. nah not yet..... i don't think mandie likes me anymore... so If i was in she'd prolly be out... so I won't do that to ya... you guys have fun... I'll just hang with my wife and maybe hook up with jagr and justin later...

  22. do you ever work???

  23. dang dude should have gotten a flu shot.... been to the doc? get ya some high power anti bio's....

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