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Status Updates posted by cmoosego

  1. hows the game going???

  2. duder.... the wife sez the dishwasher has to go before christmas... she's on my ass hard about it... you want me to store it at the hall for you???

  3. whats shakin hot stuff.... you will have to ride my new toy in the spring... LOL

  4. whatcha doin dude

  5. yeah I gots some funky music.... actually I just picked up the kat today.... gotta go pick up a battery from cheech this week sometime before I can start figuring out what I need to do with it...

  6. I see you.....

    it is your favorite internet stalker...lmao

  7. missed ya at the ride sunday.... prolly had to work... see ya in january tho...

  8. u coming over to the club tonight for some pre thanksgiving beverages??

  9. see ya there ...

  10. dude.... if I get tix it will be complimentary for you and jim... no worries ok? I just like hanging with like minded peoples...

  11. well now we can just make love right there... lol RED WINGS are by far the BEST team EVA!!! I wore the captain's jersey to the last game here in c-bus 9-1 victory!!! I'll prolly be trying to score tix for the next time they play here if you guys wanna go let me know and I'll score xtras

  12. it's ok I like the saints and lions....

  13. that's what I was getting at... I'm just in a mood cause my IRISH suck this year.... LOL (in football, I still have hockey hopes!) LOL:D

  14. hey does ross have any single friends? I'm trying to hook up a friend that is getting out of a bad marriage, just someone to pick her spirits up and give her something to do besides sit in her mom's house and think about all the shit she is going thru.... or maybe I could intro her to you and you could get her out and about... what do you think?

  15. you know I heart you and jim but c'mon, the buckeyes have been lucky and in a weak conference all year....

  16. like my new sig line???

  17. need the addy for your shop mang... wanna bring over my wife's car to get and estimate on a paint job... thanks brotha.

  18. checky you pm mang....

  19. party yes or party no???

  20. so I guess I don't count in that people you wanna associate with???

  21. yeah the only reason I jumped in cause I was directly named....had to speak up... I never have been one to punk out... guess it gets me on lists too... lol

  22. I don't get the direction this board is going at times....

  23. gottcha.... unless this gets banned on OR too....

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