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Posts posted by Zoner1320

  1. just saw a guy i used to hang out with in highschool here and there yesterday. talking to him for a minute and noticed hir right arm was half gone(not amputated) and asked what the hell happened. told me he came over a hill doing around 100 and a car pulled out in front of him and wrecked into a gaurdrail and trees.. spent 6 weeks in a coma, and another 6 in the hospital, and still needs more surgeries. was wearing a t shirt pants and helmet. made me think about all those times i dont wear a jacket. another guy lucky to be alive

    Kinda goes with the whole t shirt shorts and flip flop thing

  2. ^^^He probably didn't have the strap fastened.

    Which is the next question on my list... What is the sense of having a helmet on at 130mph and not strapping it. drunk or not is common sense really that compromised?

  3. and still wondering how bike, rider and helmet parted ways at right angles. I think the helmet just bounced off to the side.

    Well I am not exactly sure if it was exactly east of him. It could have bounced but still if you think about it the only thing that he hit was the road. yeah it could have bounced off the road during the slide. I know this equation never sounds good let alone looks good. Dude in one direction + helmet in another direction with a good distance between the two = Damn gonna feel that one.

  4. so his helmet wasn't strapped on? yikes...must have been wasted
    not sure if it was strapped on or not. there was some severe damage to it. his sketcher shoes were knocked off his feet. his face looked like it was ground half off. so I am thinking during the slide his helmet was not on long.
  5. So last night I am on shift at the fire station. At 1am got a call for a motorcycle crash. I as always got that sick feeling when there is a crash with a motorcycle. When we got to the crash we found a guy laying in the middle of the road. He suprised us by being alive (which rarely happens). He comes out of his unconcious state and begins crying of pain. I asked him if he new how fast he was going? His response was last I looked was 130mph. Now I know this he was wearing a helmet cuz he was still alive. When the ambulance arrived we loaded him and they left.

    I started to look for the helmet and more importantly his bike. I found his helmet about 100 yards east of where he was laying. His bike about a 1/4 mile south of where he was laying. The bike was a 2008 Gixer with temp tags about 2 weeks old. Later it was found that he just left the bar and had alot to drink. Does anyone tak e there bike to a bar and ride it drunk? Not me. won't even touch a beer bottle

  6. I guess he was a first time rocket rider. He originally had a 73 sportster so he was not use to shifting on the left side and clutching on the right. You can see where this story is heading. at about 55 he went to shift and what he thought was the clutch was indeed the front brake. I was not there to see it but i heard the story from his dad that did see it all. He suffered a broken arm and a dislocated shoulder. The dumb ass was not so dumb he had a bucket on. The bike did not get off so lucky I guess it continued cart wheeling down the street then came to a rest on a light pole.

  7. So a friend of mine bought an 07 636. On his way home from the dealership he managed to put 12 miles on it before it got totaled. He is looking to part ways with the motor and some other parts. The motor has been tested and it still in great shape. frame was cracked. Let me know if you need anymore details

  8. UPDATE!!!

    I changed the spark plugs back to their original plug (thanx cat) (went through Hell with yamaha because they wanted their money) it got a lil better. I pulled the carbs and took them to get cleaned. I put them back in and I thought that fixed it. Then i took some awsome advise (thanks max)on checking the boots. Sure enough there was a slight cunt hair crack on the inside. Now no worries. Starts on the firs crank everytime

  9. I just recently picked up a head ache. 1982 Yamaha Maxim 750. I have to use starting fluid to get it going, but when i do it will run like a raped ape. Compression is good fuel flow is awsome. Floats are not sticking. Whos Brain can I pick?

  10. How about some rep points instead!

    It's all in good clean fun. I don't give a rats ass what anyone rides. :)

    Same here. I am sure I will catch Hell but as long as you ride something God bless and god speed. I ride with anyone anything

  11. If you notice HONDUH is turning into another GIXER Every SSQUID has one....LOL And did you notice the 2009 nine models have an optional bag or mulching features. 2010 they are going to add a self propelled model!!!!

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