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Everything posted by Jrock

  1. R.I.P. my Brother In Arms! The City of Angels are filled with too many children tonight! My heart felt prayers go out to the families of the fallen and those who are abroad! Godspeed JRock U.S. ARMY VET 89' - 96. MILITARY POLICE CORPS
  2. Obviously, it's an issue that needs to be closely analyzed, as it is "pretty undisputable that we spend twice what other countries spend on average," as reported by The Commonwealth Fund. While, in comparison to other industrialized nations, the U.S. has the fewest patients seeing a regular doctor (16%), is the least wired (working with the fewest electronic records, and receiving the fewest electronic updates on disease treatment options), and has one of the highest infant mortality rates, we are actually spending twice as much per capita on health care as Germany, at $6,102. Canada spends $3,165 per capita, Australia $2,876, Britain $2,546, and New Zealand $2,083. The U.S. also has one of the longest emergency room waiting times, takes an average of four months to deliver elective surgery, and is considered one of the less "convenient" nations when it comes to general health care. Sixty-one percent of Americans surveyed found it "somewhat" or "very difficult" to receive care on nights or weekends. What is most shocking perhaps, is the relatively high infant mortality rate, at 5 in every 1,000. The U.S. is tied with Poland, Hungary, Malta, and Slovakia for this statistic, and, among the 32 industrialized nations surveyed, ranked only above Latvia, at 6 in every 1,000 births. Japan, the Czech Republic, Finland, Iceland, and Norway beat the U.S. by a landslide, at approximately one-third the death rate Do your Research!!!
  3. Jason is a good dude! They should have shown him some love, but that's the way love goes!
  4. Jrock


    there is so much wrong with this I don't know even where to begin!
  5. Down wit this ride! My bike parts are n
  6. Great Weekend!!! If you missed it, betta get ya spot on KOA!
  7. Aaron, what time are you leaving Cbus for this ride? I am from Canton and might head up
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