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Wait so she wasn't paying attention to her kids well enough to notice them eating a used condom, yet she's suing for negligence? Innnnteresting. Didn't know McDonalds ran a babysitting service. This country is f*%ked.

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Wait so she wasn't paying attention to her kids well enough to notice them eating a used condom, yet she's suing for negligence? Innnnteresting. Didn't know McDonalds ran a babysitting service. This country is f*%ked.

from the article:

The suit accuses McDonalds Corp. and McDonalds of Illinois of failing to properly clean hazardous debris from an area used by children.

i don't really think it has anything to do with mcdonalds being a babysitting service at all... i think the point is that it should not have been there in the first place.

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from the article:

The suit accuses McDonalds Corp. and McDonalds of Illinois of failing to properly clean hazardous debris from an area used by children.

i don't really think it has anything to do with mcdonalds being a babysitting service at all... i think the point is that it should not have been there in the first place.

Yeah, the suit is saying the wacarnolds needs to be a babysitting service....for everyone.

"It(the suit) also blames the restaurant chain for not using surveillance or inspections to uncover any “deviant activities” at its eatery."

Next person that gets hit by a drunk driver needs to sue the state or federal government. They govt is the one who owns and maintain the roads right? They shouldn't allow people to drive drunk! If they don't catch every single one, every single time, before the drunk has a chance to hurt someone it is the governments fault, right?

Here is a test, replace condom with plastic bag and replace "ate and spit up later" with "nearly suffocated and needed to be resuscitated".

Sad thing is, she will get paid to shut up and drop the suit.

The ONLY way this shouldn't be kicked out of court would be if someone informed the staff of the condom in the play area and they did nothing about it.

Edited by RHill
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People sue for freaking anything now. The world isn't perfect, and yet people seem to think it should be.

I may be young, but even I hate what we're becoming. The court doesn't, and shouldn't, solve everything.

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You all missed the point. This was a creative way for them to test their latest secret sauce for a new burger. It was a marketing ploy gone horribly wrong.

Big Mac flavored condoms. The big girls are sick of the fruity ones!

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