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Gun rights savvy attorney on your speed dial?


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It's always been suggested as a good idea. But lately with more and more stories surfacing of 2A violations, unwarranted searches and seizures, etc it seems to be more pressing now. (The story of NJ family getting a house visit by law enforcement "demanding" they see his safe, over a FB post is one of many examples)

So, anyone have an attorney they recommend to keep on speed dial in the Buckeye state? Is NRA a place to consider here? Other places to look?

NoBama 2012

Edited by idodishez
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if i need to use him, i will.

like most anything else, you get what you pay for, and if you're up on gun charges i wouldn't be shopping for the cheapest counselor.

he's also an ffl, but since Dale and D-E came along, I don't use him for that any longer.

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Some of you seem to have misconceptions about how the legal system works.

Know your rights, and assert them politely to police, but if they are insistent, a lawyer isn't going to show up at your house and prevent the cops from performing an illegal search.

A lawyer's job is merely to ensure that any evidence from said illegal search is rightly suppressed in court, and not used against you. Then you would have the option of suing the police department for damages in cases where there is a clear public policy interest to send the message that such behavior from officers will not be tolerated.

That is why police get the benefit o the doubt on real mistakes. Where is the deterrent value in penalizing a legitimate mistake? There is none.

So like I said, know your rights, and assert them politely, but don't tack legitimate disorderly conduct or resisting arrest charges to an otherwise bogus search and seizure premise.

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Some of you seem to have misconceptions about how the legal system works.

Know your rights, and assert them politely to police, but if they are insistent, a lawyer isn't going to show up at your house and prevent the cops from performing an illegal search.

A lawyer's job is merely to ensure that any evidence from said illegal search is rightly suppressed in court, and not used against you. Then you would have the option of suing the police department for damages in cases where there is a clear public policy interest to send the message that such behavior from officers will not be tolerated.

That is why police get the benefit o the doubt on real mistakes. Where is the deterrent value in penalizing a legitimate mistake? There is none.

So like I said, know your rights, and assert them politely, but don't tack legitimate disorderly conduct or resisting arrest charges to an otherwise bogus search and seizure premise.

I agree with this. ^

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Know anything about it?

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havent a damned clue. One person I know has the coverage but hasnt had to use it, but Buckeye Firearms has their add on the front webpage.

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Some of you seem to have misconceptions about how the legal system works.

Know your rights, and assert them politely to police, but if they are insistent, a lawyer isn't going to show up at your house and prevent the cops from performing an illegal search.

A lawyer's job is merely to ensure that any evidence from said illegal search is rightly suppressed in court, and not used against you. Then you would have the option of suing the police department for damages in cases where there is a clear public policy interest to send the message that such behavior from officers will not be tolerated.

That is why police get the benefit o the doubt on real mistakes. Where is the deterrent value in penalizing a legitimate mistake? There is none.

So like I said, know your rights, and assert them politely, but don't tack legitimate disorderly conduct or resisting arrest charges to an otherwise bogus search and seizure premise.

Not expecting them to show up at my house. Just would be helpful to have someone tell me yes, you should do that. Or no, you shouldn't do that. Or even after the fact, be it a traffic stop, MWAG call (I came VERY close to having one of those recently, and probably would have if I had stuck around), etc. Bottom line an attorney well versed in gun rights.

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Lets face it too, if they are there for a search......justified or not.....you've probably done something to get them to that point anyway.

Like this guy? http://dailycaller.com/2013/03/20/cops-raid-family-home-over-facebook-photo-of-child-posing-with-gun/

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Like this guy? http://dailycaller.com/2013/03/20/cops-raid-family-home-over-facebook-photo-of-child-posing-with-gun/

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Yep, like that guy.

1) there could be a ton more to that story that you don't know

2) they have stricter gun laws than we, that could have been the probable cause

3) a kid that age cannot have that gun and I see no adults in the pict

I could keep going with therories just like you do on FB. Right or wrong? Don't know, don't care. You, like myself, don't know the rest of the story and probably never will. Loosen up the tin foil hat

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