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Hoping the rain comes and goes quick


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I am hoping the rain tomorrow starts early and ends quickly then the roads dry fast, I had planned on going out for a bit tomorrow since some dumb shit cant fix his own screw up which forced me to drive to Dayton on Linden Ave for a 5 minute fix then an hour 15 home.

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As of now, I am solo, So ill probably be riding by myself around my area, tween West Liberty and Marysville. Unless others wanna meet up. Im considering going up to Bucyrus for some Gyros at that Greek restaurant up there.

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I was in new breman on thursday but wasn't on my bike. I was going over to my parents on shanverton dr

Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 2

Say a guy on a black And red 650. Thought it might be you.

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