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louisiana pro-gun law (written by nra) has unusual consequences.


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What? I'm not allowed to change my opinion on a subject? I voted for GWB Twice... I used to be a republican... but that was before the republican party went batshit crazy.

so you changed your mind about being a libertarian? this all makes so much more sense now. i wish you would've said something, we could've saved you a lot of embarrassment.

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so you changed your mind about being a libertarian? this all makes so much more sense now. i wish you would've said something, we could've saved you a lot of embarrassment.

No, I still vote to support people's rights. I still think the government should get out of the charity business to foreign countries, stop with all the bullshit wars. Stop telling people what they are or are not allowed to put into their own bodies. Leave other countries to deal with their own shit... etc...

All libertarian views. Your 80% friend isn't your 20% enemy.

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I'm not saying that anyone should. I'm saying that i would if criminals didn't have them

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Not me. Criminals don't need guns to hurt others... I wouldn't give mine up regardless of what they have.... Guns have more purposes than that... Hunting, sport, shooting tyrannical powers that wish to enslave nations...

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No, I still vote to support people's rights. I still think the government should get out of the charity business to foreign countries, stop with all the bullshit wars. Stop telling people what they are or are not allowed to put into their own bodies. Leave other countries to deal with their own shit... etc...

All libertarian views. Your 80% friend isn't your 20% enemy.

Hmmmmm....me thinks you are a confused Libertarian.

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Hmmmmm....me thinks you are a confused Libertarian.

That's the thing, I'm not "only" libertarian... that's just the closest approximation of the majority of my political views.

I'm a person, I listen to different viewpoints, let them swirl around in my head, then figure out what positions I agree with.

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No, I still vote to support people's rights. I still think the government should get out of the charity business to foreign countries, stop with all the bullshit wars. Stop telling people what they are or are not allowed to put into their own bodies. Leave other countries to deal with their own shit... etc...

All libertarian views. Your 80% friend isn't your 20% enemy.

except the part where you don't support people's right as outlined in the constitution (apparently, at the state or federal level now). other than that minute minor detail that libertarian ideals aren't founded on or anything, you're totally libertarian.

"20% of the time, I'm libertarian every time"

there, that's a good quote for you. that one, along with the "disarm and make your wiener bigger" quote, I'll let you take without royalties. i highly recommend getting them tattooed so you don't forget your younger, stupider days.

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Many like to hunt and shoot for fun, it isn't all about defending yourself. :)

I know and understand that. I use my guns for target shooting and self defense as I'm not a hunter. Don't have the patience for it. Sides I butcher all my own pork, and beef as it is.

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except the part where you don't support people's right as outlined in the constitution (apparently, at the state or federal level now). other than that minute minor detail that libertarian ideals aren't founded on or anything, you're totally libertarian.

"20% of the time, I'm libertarian every time"

there, that's a good quote for you. that one, along with the "disarm and make your wiener bigger" quote, I'll let you take without royalties. i highly recommend getting them tattooed so you don't forget your younger, stupider days.

If you can find a more accurate depiction of my views, please feel free. I've been looking at the modern whig party...but my views don't exactly jive with a lot of their views either.

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If you can find a more accurate depiction of my views, please feel free. I've been looking at the modern whig party...but my views don't exactly jive with a lot of their views either.

pretty sure you're familiar with this facebook page


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remember the good old days, magz? back when you actually played the part of a self professed libertarian? the good bits are in page 3 and 4 (if you have it set to 40 posts per page)


here is a tasty morsel

Wish I could rep u again.

I'll put up that sign when you put up a sign that says "I have a tiny penis and a big gun" in your front yard.

Seriously? I'm comfortable with the size of both. I don't trust Mr. LibertARIAN to follow through or I would consider it.

Edited by crb
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pretty sure you're familiar with this facebook page


I'm familiar with it, and while they do have some clever musings, their positions on government to government charity are rather dissuading to me, as are many of their other positions... still not a fit for me...

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"Respect" in regard to the law, not personally.

Since you asked, global warming isn't something I have a definitive view on. Whether human actions have a meaningful effect on global temperatures doesn't matter to me either way. I'll be dead before it has a "catastrophic" effect, and if our effect is minimal, or inconsequential, then it doesn't matter to anyone.

A man who stands for nothing will fall for anything.

IMO, your self-proclaimed libertarianism is just an easy way for you to continue to be a gutless turd.

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I'm telling ya, magley is planning on making a run for office at sometime. He's practicing his sidestepping of questions skills. Eventually were gonna see him smackong babies, and handing out lollipops to bad kids cause its only fair

Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 2

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Many people feel that once a criminal has paid their "debt" or served their time, they should no longer be denied their rights, including the right to bear arms. It's not that radical an idea, especially these days when they seem to make a felony out of spitting on the sidewalk.

I have a coworker in this situation. Ex non-violent fellon. Was convicted of marijuana distribution. He served three and a half years. Got out on parole and bounced around at a few minimum wage jobs until my boss gave him an opportunity at a steady, decent paying job. He has worked with us for the past eight years without incident as a delivery man/gofer at our company. He was a hunting enthusiast prior to his conviction, and has had to abandon this part of his life due to the current laws in place. He has stated to me that the inability to go hunting (not even with a crossbow) is his biggest regret. His son is now 11 years old and has become interested in hunting and the outdoors. Quite a sad story IMO as the boy's father is not able to encourage and educate his son as a hunter and outdoorsman. It seems as if his boy is being punished for the crimes his father committed many years ago.

I have worked and talked with him on a daily basis over the years, and I do not consider him to be a danger to society in any way. In fact, he may even best me on some issues of morality and hasn't had so much as a speeding ticket since I've known him. He is truely rehabilitated, finding religion along the way, but it seems his debt will never be paid in full. His kids are priority one, and he divorced his wife shortly after being released from prison due to the fact of her not wanting to give up her marijuana habit.

Maybe he is an exception to rule for ex-cons? I couldn't tell you, as he is the only one that I have gotten to know well.

I find it to be complete bullshit that he can't even own a shotgun for hunting purposes and to protect his children after paying his debt to society for a non-violent conviction. It breaks my heart that he is not able to share his love of hunting with his son like my father did with me.

I have told him that I will testify for his character if he ever attempts to regain his rights. Unfortunately, he has investigated this avenue and was told his chances of success are slim and none.

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Drug laws are bullshit. If you want to put something in your own body that alters your state of mind, you should be free to do that as long as there is no danger to the public. (Dui, high while operating heavy machinery, etc)

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A man who stands for nothing will fall for anything.

IMO, your self-proclaimed libertarianism is just an easy way for you to continue to be a gutless turd.

If in regards to the climate change comment: Are you a climate scientist? Cause I'm not. I tend to trust the expertise of scientists the way I trust the expertise of a doctor, however in this case there is only so much data to be analyzed. The planet is quite a bit older than the human race, and has a cycle in such a scope as we have been unable to measure. I tend to believe them, but then I don't really have anything invested in it either way.

If in regards to the "respect" line, I can respect your rights, even if I personally believe your views are wrong or even harmful. I respect your right to be whatever religion you are, but I don't respect your religion, get it?

Edited by magley64
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I'm telling ya, magley is planning on making a run for office at sometime. He's practicing his sidestepping of questions skills. Eventually were gonna see him smackong babies, and handing out lollipops to bad kids cause its only fair

Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 2

Just because you want my views to be part of your lovely straw man "evilibral" doesn't mean they are, sorry to disappoint.

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