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Bombing locations in London 1940-1941


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The Bomb Sight project is mapping the London WW2 bomb census between 7/10/1940 and 06/06/1941. Previously available only by viewing in the Reading Room at The National Archives, Bomb Sight is making the maps available to citizen researchers, academics and students. They will be able to explore where the bombs fell and to discover memories and photographs from the period.

The project has scanned original 1940s bomb census maps , geo-referenced the maps and digitally captured the geographical locations of all the falling bombs recorded on the original map. The data has then been integrated into 2 different types of applications:

that's a lot of bombs.


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Nothing to show bombs dropped on the Germans?

Hamburg and Berlin really got whacked, but Dresden was nearly burnt to the ground with fire bombs in WWII.

Pity the poor bastards that lived there.

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Yeah Dresden got fucked up, they dropped h.e. bombs first to break open the buildings and expose the wood, then dropped thermite and white phosphorus, turned the city into a tinderbox. They did the dame thing to Japanese cities with similar effects.

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I feel like this is an appropriate place to share this as well:


It goes beyond WWII and you can drop any known nukes anywhere and see how large the blast would be.

Thank goodness! I'm strategically located just outside the death zones of the three major cities around me!

You Columbus folks, well, you're just screwed!

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Yeah Dresden got fucked up, they dropped h.e. bombs first to break open the buildings and expose the wood, then dropped thermite and white phosphorus, turned the city into a tinderbox. They did the dame thing to Japanese cities with similar effects.

Back when civillians were valid targets. A dark era.

That's why nuclear war would be such a terrible thing - it's one thing to drop a jdam in Kim Jong Un's lpa and take out him and everyone in the room - but if we were to drop a B83 on pyonyang we could see 2 million dead. :eek:

When you say "they did the same thing to Japan" you mean "we did the same thing to Japan", right? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bombing_of_Tokyo

Edited by Scruit
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