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Guy on a hike with his son gets arrested for open carry of an AR15


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I agree with you in most situations. But going on a hike in an area with deadly animals and taking along a long gun for protection, doesn't fall under attention whoring in my book. If it had been a shotgun or a bolt action rifle, there wouldn't have been an issue.

I trust an AR15 against a mountain lion more than I trust a sidearm.

Weren't you just saying how a handgun could just as easily take down a group of people? Side arm should be sufficient for a lion, if it's in range anyways. He shouldn't need to kill it if it's out of range anyway.

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Weren't you just saying how a handgun could just as easily take down a group of people? Side arm should be sufficient for a lion, if it's in range anyways. He shouldn't need to kill it if it's out of range anyway.

I wouldnt be willing to test whether or not a pistol caliber would stop a hungry cougar or mountain lion. Coyote yes, but if your attacked by a pack of them a pistol isnt going to do much

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Two sides to every story. You have only herd the "victims". I bet if you dig into this story you will find there is more to it. I tried Bell County Texas isn't real user friendly But was charged with Interfering w/ Public Duties. Way to be an asshole just cooperate with the cops if your carrying.

More over grew up maybe an hour away from this guy. Cougars? Like old ladies wanna fuck him? Yes there are cougars in Texas but its a huge fucking state. Feral dogs would be the only thing to scare me out there. Even then still not all that rural of an area. Not if the Temple Police got him, he is still inside city limits.

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