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My endevour to stop smoking


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I hope we have, my 9yr old is pure attitude and is a daddys girl. My 13 year old, likes to do everything dad does.

All we can do is our best and be there for them. It sucks watching them grow up I can't believe my baby girl that slept on my chest for months is now driving.

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I'm a 25yr smoker. Never really exceeded a pack a day for very long, but still a horrible habit all the same. Tried Chantix years ago, first week was a cake walk since I could smoke while taking it. By the end of week 1, cigs tasted like anus and I had nearly no craving. Quit for about 5 days before absolutely horrific nightmares started costing me sleep, peace of mind, and a bit of an attitude change too. It got so bad, I couldn't stay on the drug so quit dosing. A couple days later, cravings were back and I was hating life so back to smoking I went.

I've tried dipping, no satisfaction imo. Had the original E-cigs when they first came out, wasn't too bad of a substitute but didn't stick with them and eventually the atomizers both broke.

Determination and cold turkey only got me through 3-4 days before I relapsed. Nicotine is quite an addictive little bastard. My wife took something similar and it worked for her with far less side effects and she stayed a quitter for almost 6 yrs now.....I just have trouble trusting drugs to curb cravings since my bout with Chantix, but I have to do something soon to get off these things. Good luck to ya James

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It is simply a habit and a routine, break the habits and routine and you can quit. The chemical addiction passes pretty darn quickly, the cravings and habits do not. No other way to quit other than cold turkey IMHO, I don't smoke but have friends and family that did. They tired everything, and only cold turkey worked. Also try to put down on paper and guesstimate how much money you have wasted over all of these years with those nasty ass things, that in itself should make you stop. ;) My favorite Uncle died way too young, he smoked like a freight train and the cancer, emphysema and heart disease ate his entire body up till the end. :(

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Okay, go to the e-cig forum... There is a TON of info on what to do and what to buy. I personally have a lavatube (sucks) and a infinity pro. The infinity pro worked great.. Until about a month ago. The lavatube sucks cause, if you drop it, it's broke. The infinity rocks cause if you drop it, it's fine! Now, short comings of the infinity... Well, I was off (as we call them) analogs until suddenly, I started having issues... Both of these are what's called, variable voltage MOD's. the infinity pro started not reading the voltage setting I pre-configured (for lack of a better term) it for. Sometimes I would get a harsh draw.. Others I would get too little. The problem with this is, without a nice throat hit, it doesn't get the job done. So, I am smoking cigs again, after 1.5 years. Why? Well, ecigs don't make you quit your addiction. All they do is give you a replacement.

If you are going to quit smoking, make sure you WANT TO QUIT! Cause if not, your going to end up like me... Looking for the easiest way out, and spending 200+ dollars on something that "could" work, if it was sustainable. Ecigs are not sustainable. You need tons of extra gear and LOTS of extra juice. Run out, and you are in a world of hurt.

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The nicotine drops have different content levels you can buy for the E-cigs. Not sure what mine were, but it was harsh to inhale. I used them now and then at work for indoor convenience as well as saving cash on smokes, but the atomizers both pulled apart. Damn housings split on both from slipping the filters on/off

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Do the e-cigs step down the level ?

Yeah the juice for the Ecigs comes in different levels of nicotine, the bottle I have is 24mg of nicotine per bottle. There are varying levels across the spectrum. The shop close to me sells the 30ml 24mg bottles for $14 a bottle and thats supposed to be the equivalent of 3 cartons of cigs. However If I remember correctly 3 packs of cigarettes was close to 21mg. So i am not getting nearly the dosage of nicotine that I was getting but the cravings are really controllable compared to when I was on the patches.

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The most successful people that quit smoking are the ones who quit cold turkey which seems to be prevalent in this thread. After a couple weeks your body is over its nicotine addiction and it becomes a problem of breaking the habit not the addiction.

Good luck. Plenty of resources available to you to help.

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Chantix no nightmares but turned me into an amazing asshole and couldn't think properly. Felt foggy in the mind. Chantix also turned off my minds "Safety Meter". Did really dumb stuff on the bike and felt good about it.

I quit taking Chantix and started smoking again. I quit cold turkey beginning of year and only really crave one when drinking.

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Ecigs are not sustainable. You need tons of extra gear and LOTS of extra juice. Run out, and you are in a world of hurt.

Running out of gear is no different then running out of smokes, I just go to the nearest store and pick some up. Good thing is we have a few shops that are close. The atomizers do wear out, they aren't designed to last forever which is why they offer replacement atomizers. Some people say going over to the Ecigs isnt safe because your just trading one chemical for another, however the recent tests that have been done show its increasingly better for you to use Ecigs then it is to smoke. I don't plan to keep with Ecigs forever, I plan to step down as I am able to get away from the nicotine. If the Ecig becomes a replacement then so be it, its cheaper then smoking, and its far less shit im putting into my lungs.

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Westside vapor does all of Columbus juice distribution... They are, okay. The best, IMHO is http://www.momnpops.com/ . Their juice is super tasty... In the end, it's the MOD that is simple to use and replaceable. You will break it... After time, they all break. Ego's are decent, the VV-MOD's are the way to go... Just be ready to spend some $$.

Edited by jdonn
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Westside vapor does all of Columbus juice distribution... They are, okay. The best, IMHO is www.momanpopsvapershop.com . Their juice is super tasty... In the end, it's the MOD that is simple to use and replaceable. You will break it... After time, they all break. Ego's are decent, the VV-MOD's are the way to go... Just be ready to spend some $$.

that link doesnt work

nevermind i found it

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The most successful people that quit smoking are the ones who quit cold turkey which seems to be prevalent in this thread. After a couple weeks your body is over its nicotine addiction and it becomes a problem of breaking the habit not the addiction.

Good luck. Plenty of resources available to you to help.

Actually I think the doc said after 3 days it was out of your system the rest is just the physical habit nothing chemical.

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Actually I think the doc said after 3 days it was out of your system the rest is just the physical habit nothing chemical.

I was being generous. I originally put a week but changed it so he didnt feel discouraged if he still felt "addicted". That was with the assumption someone would take my advice serious :D

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I was being generous. I originally put a week but changed it so he didnt feel discouraged if he still felt "addicted". That was with the assumption someone would take my advice serious :D

lol ive tried to quit probably 20 times before this. I managed to quit for 14 days last summer, i went back to it because I broke. nicotine is one of the hardest drugs to get off of, some believe its worse than heroin for addiction

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