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Tuesday 4-30-13 NKY


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Alright, so it's going to be freaking NICE for the next few days. Is anybody free tomorrow that would want to do some Kentucky ridin'?

Think I might just skip school myself to take advantage of the day!

I'm planning on being at Shellway at 11. (Meaning I'll be leaving my own house at 10. Screw living near Dayton.)

My number is 937-Five One Zero-Three Four Seven Eight for anybody that wants to let me know they're coming/make contact for whatever reason. (Typed out the numbers for search engine purposes...)

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Zach: I'd love to hit the NKY roads with you today, but Rob is supposed to come over and we're gonna work on his new bike. Haven't got a time confirmation from him yet, but if I can make it work, might be able to catch you somewhere along the way. I'll send you a text if timing looks good. I'm guessing we could talk him into a ride as well.

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Zach: I'd love to hit the NKY roads with you today, but Rob is supposed to come over and we're gonna work on his new bike. Haven't got a time confirmation from him yet, but if I can make it work, might be able to catch you somewhere along the way. I'll send you a text if timing looks good. I'm guessing we could talk him into a ride as well.

Never received a text. :sad:

I did end up going to NKY solo though. Did a loop to Falmouth and back. 'Twas a great ride!

Haven't ridden with you in a while. Seems like you were hiding for a bit, haha. You should let me know when you're out and about next!

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Z: Sorry. Dice called in the AM and showed up about 10:30, so couldn't make it down to KY. I've been usual busy with spring chores, so I haven't been doing a lot of day rides lately. Gotta chase the lawn mower around when the grass is semi-dry.

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