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Need plastics painted.


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I have an 87 Concours that needs to have everything painted. Plastics, tank, fenders. I was going to do it myself, but I just bought a rental house and every nice day of the summer is going to be spent working on the house. I don't want it to sit in the basement for another year.

Plastics have all been repaired if needed and mostly sanded smooth. Some still have a crappy spray can paint job on them from when I bought it.

It doesn't need to be show quality as it is an old bike, but I don't want it to suck either. Everything has already been removed and will be delivered as pieces.

Anyone interested or have suggestions? Cols to Mansfield area please.

Here is what an old Concours looks like for you young folks:


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I'm thinking of a dark charcoal gray or black. No rush on getting it done, but within the next month or so would be nice.

This was my original goal of what I wanted it to look like (photoshopped):


Depending on cost, I would still love to have that done.

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