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California passes bill that lets HS boys shower with girls....


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Oh California...



Last week, the California Assembly (same as House of Representatives in most states) passed Assembly Bill 1266 by a 46-25 vote. Currently, there are 54 Democrats, 25 Republicans and 1 vacancy. All 46 votes for the bill were Democrats as no Republicans voted for in favor of the measure.

AB 1266 states that public schools cannot discriminate in any way concerning the sex of the student. Both sexes are to have equal access to all offered courses, counseling and athletics. Any student can try out for any sport, regardless of their sex.

In other words, any boy who claims he is a girl, even though he is anatomically still a boy, would be allowed to use the same locker rooms and showers that the girls use. On the opposite side, a girl claiming to be a boy but is still anatomically a girl would be allowed to shower with all the boys. They don’t even have to be undergoing any form of sex change therapy, just say they are the opposite sex from what they really are and they can parade around in all their glory in either locker room or shower.

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I can only hope that a magnitude 34582714591 earthquake hits the west cost and California slides right off into the ocean taking Sen. Dianne Fuckstick with it.

I wanna know when that Senator divorced Mr. Franken and married Mr. Fein...

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If I was a HS student I wouldn't be opposed to claiming I'm a girl so I could shower with them... On the other hand if my daughter was in HS and had boys showering with her I would immediately pull her out of said school...

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I'm pretty sure every law in the US is still up for interpretation, thus the existence of the judicial branch, and that common sense still applies.

Its stupid shit like this that prevents congress from making any progress. "Well... uhh... if.. a donkey shits on the road, during an odd numbered Friday in the month of July, in a leap year... then someone could rape your first born and legally get away with it!"

STFU and stop spreading friday donkey shit. You're ruining the road for everyone else

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Pretty sure the article is biased and the author is drawing conclusions based on language not contained in the bill.

I agree. It says they must provide equal accommodations and opportunities, not that every student may access the SAME accommodations.

They may have to allow girls to try out for the boys baseball team (i don't see the big deal), but there is no discrimination in making a student shower with other students of their own gender.

If this leads to any real changes in CA schools, it will be the addition of more private changing/showering areas for gay students.

I don't know about you guys, but I never showered at the school after practice anyway. Non issue.

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We were required to use the showers after gym in my school. They monitored the shower and If a student wasnt checked off the list they would issue you a saturday school slip. I see no reason to not take a shower after a gym period of sports. I see an issue with this law above as being bullshit. Fucking state got the government they deserve

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California is such a lost state in so many ways.....what a shame for such a beautiful state. :rolleyes:

When I was in my 20s I was going to move to California My grandfather talked me out of it. One of his arguments was. If you were able to pick up the USA by its two handles (Florida and Maine) and shook it that’s where all the loose nuts and fruit would fall.

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We had showers in my HS over in Germany but they were never used after gym class or practice....a non-issue.

As for allowing either sex to try out for any activity or sport....just more politically correct neo-nazi bullshit from Kalifornia.

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When I was in my 20s I was going to move to California My grandfather talked me out of it. One of his arguments was. If you were able to pick up the USA by its two handles (Florida and Maine) and shook it that’s where all the loose nuts and fruit would fall.

Hahahahahahaha :D

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Damn. I only have like 6 more days of HS to move to Cali...

So what? It's not like they aren't all fucking your teenage daughters' date=' anyway. :dunno:[/quote']

Us teenage boys nowadays would NEVER do something so preposterous... . . . . . . .


Edited by Bitani
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I am going to assume this is for any persons who are born as one sex but feel as though they should be the other and are too young to go through the surgeries to change it. Honestly if there are doors on the showers who gives a fuck. People need to losen up and not be so uppity about shit. It's not society that is going to turn your kid onto drugs or turn them into a teenage parents it's your lack of parenting.

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We were required to use the showers after gym in my school. They monitored the shower and If a student wasnt checked off the list they would issue you a saturday school slip. I see no reason to not take a shower after a gym period of sports. I see an issue with this law above as being bullshit. Fucking state got the government they deserve

when was that, may I ask?

Because that is a thing of the past. For better or for worse, people are all kinds of self-conscious. Or maybe it's a bullying thing.

Frankly, I think we're getting what we ask for as a society. I'm not going to pretend bullying isn't a very real issue, but we've gotten in the habit of suspending or expelling kids when they stand up for themselves.

That's the bullshit.

In 5th grade, a kid who bullied me laid me the fuck out during a recess touch football game. I got up, grabbed him by the collar, and jacked him in the face. In the principal's office, my dad was told "it's school policy not to fight back." He told my principal, "well, it's family policy to fight back with everything you've got."

My principal was a former boxer. I got off with a warning, and a lot of respect for my old man.

Edited by redkow97
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when was that, may I ask?

Because that is a thing of the past. For better or for worse, people are all kinds of self-conscious. Or maybe it's a bullying thing.

Frankly, I think we're getting what we ask for as a society. I'm not going to pretend bullying isn't a very real issue, but we've gotten in the habit of suspending or expelling kids when they stand up for themselves.

That's the bullshit.

In 5th grade, a kid who bullied me laid me the fuck out during a recess touch football game. I got up, grabbed him by the collar, and jacked him in the face. In the principal's office, my dad was told "it's school policy not to fight back." He told my principal, "well, it's family policy to fight back with everything you've got."

My principal was a former boxer. I got off with a warning, and a lot of respect for my old man.


At my high school, you could have a kid beating the absolute shit out of you but if you so much as try and fight back you will get expelled/suspended as well. Basically you're just supposed to take it until whatever authority is around stops it.

Complete bullshit.

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I can only hope that a magnitude 34582714591 earthquake hits the west cost and California slides right off into the ocean taking Sen. Dianne Fuckstick with it.


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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This has always been my argument, when it comes to the whole gay issues. Such as being openly gay in the military. I have no issues with anyone being gay, if that's the life they choose. But as a straight man, I am not allowed to utilize the same facilities with the gender that I am attracted to, so why is it okay for a gay person to use the same facilities of the gender that he or she is attracted to?

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This has always been my argument, when it comes to the whole gay issues. Such as being openly gay in the military. I have no issues with anyone being gay, if that's the life they choose. But as a straight man, I am not allowed to utilize the same facilities with the gender that I am attracted to, so why is it okay for a gay person to use the same facilities of the gender that he or she is attracted to?

Can you control who you're attracted to?

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Oh California...



Last week, the California Assembly (same as House of Representatives in most states) passed Assembly Bill 1266 by a 46-25 vote. Currently, there are 54 Democrats, 25 Republicans and 1 vacancy. All 46 votes for the bill were Democrats as no Republicans voted for in favor of the measure.

AB 1266 states that public schools cannot discriminate in any way concerning the sex of the student. Both sexes are to have equal access to all offered courses, counseling and athletics. Any student can try out for any sport, regardless of their sex.

In other words, any boy who claims he is a girl, even though he is anatomically still a boy, would be allowed to use the same locker rooms and showers that the girls use. On the opposite side, a girl claiming to be a boy but is still anatomically a girl would be allowed to shower with all the boys. They don’t even have to be undergoing any form of sex change therapy, just say they are the opposite sex from what they really are and they can parade around in all their glory in either locker room or shower.

Interestingly, Wright State's intramural rules state that for Co-ed sports, your gender is what you tell them it is. So, in reality, even if a sport says you have to have 3 males, 3 females on a team, you really can have an all male team as long as 3 of those males claim they describe themselves as female because they don't want to discriminate.:nono:

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