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Nsfw: Naked Man In Sf Subway Fights People And Does Gymnastics


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You can't make this stuff up:







On a side note, when will people learn to hold their cameras properly/why doesn't stuff like this get filmed by someone with a smartphone?

Edited by smashweights
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If I'm a female and a naked guy tries coming for myself and my purse multiple times and pushes me to the ground the motherfucker is getting shot.


That's where the discussion comes in, I think a lady could easily say that a big obviously strong dude like that is able to use deadly force with his legs and fists.... could another dude, his size, easily justify pulling a gun and shooting?

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That's where the discussion comes in, I think a lady could easily say that a big obviously strong dude like that is able to use deadly force with his legs and fists.... could another dude, his size, easily justify pulling a gun and shooting?

I would think so. You are shooting to stop the threat. Who's to say the guy doesn't have some sort of std or something bidding in his frow.

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I would think so. You are shooting to stop the threat. Who's to say the guy doesn't have some sort of std or something bidding in his frow.


Well, it's San Francisco, not Texas or Florida - Read http://www.sf-police.org/Modules/ShowDocument.aspx?documentID=25868 and you'll see a reflection of prevailing public sentiment slanted against the gun owner.  They also get a lot of crazies who act weird but are otherwise harmless, which isn't to defend this guy in the least - I would have been gravely concerned about his intent - but I mention it because you'd probably get jurors who are less exposed to what can go wrong when someone crosses the crazy line into violence.  That's true everywhere, but maybe even more so in San Fran given their moderate temperatures that allow for higher rates of street residence.


Even once you fulfill all the SFPD's requirements, I bet you'd still be held to a standard of first retreating or exhausting non-lethal options first.  You'd be on at least one camera, so every action would be under scrutiny.


Sorry if it sounds like I'm being a CHL buzzkill - I'm a CHL guy myself, but my class was quite clear and sober about what happens after the shots.  Personally I would have done exactly what that big dude did - intervene whenever a specific citizen was at risk, then back away and shoo others from this guy to let him tweak in peace.  I'd also have called for others to block the entrances - the crazy was able to harass several others who entered with their earbuds in - stupid fools.  

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What bothers me about this.....the number of people grabbing their phones to video the "event" instead of assisting the women in trouble.


Even in an area when I cannot carry my firearm, I know I would have stepped up to prevent the assault on a woman.  I don't care if the guy is on meth/bath-salts/pcp/heroin/DQ-softserve, I'm going to keep breaking his limbs until the woman is no longer in danger, or she has gotten away.   :rant:

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What bothers me about this.....the number of people grabbing their phones to video the "event" instead of assisting the women in trouble.


Even in an area when I cannot carry my firearm, I know I would have stepped up to prevent the assault on a woman.  I don't care if the guy is on meth/bath-salts/pcp/heroin/DQ-softserve, I'm going to keep breaking his limbs until the woman is no longer in danger, or she has gotten away.   :rant:


Oh, I'm with ya on both points.  Put the F****** phone away and help your fellow being instead of jizzing about what you'll be able to tell your hipster social media brethren at the bar later, ya know?!  In their slight defense, they may have started thinking this was just another naked druggie weirdo, Jason Russell-style, until he crossed line towards assault.  At that point, their only protection anyway was to call 911 and/or walk away, or coordinate a group response, and few have enough personal crisis leadership to do the latter.


In this case, even the presence of a pistol may have been enough to make this guy get serious, hopefully in the right direction and not escalation.  I would have had no problem drawing my weapon to protect myself, my family and friends, but would have been in a major quandary about how to respond protecting citizens who very well may pay me back with prison time.  I think that a lot (all?) of us with CHLs would like to think the public will respond favorably to our intervention, but that's not always the case, and frankly it scares the bejebus out of me.

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