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I think some of us don't agree with how your family treated someone who should be close to you, JUST because they were gay. Choosing to love a family member ONLY if they adhere to what you or your religion believes in, in my opinion, is wrong and hypocritical.

We are all entitled to our opinions. Just think about it.

I had nothing to do with it to set the record straight. I was 14! I really didn't care she was there. It was new to me then, she creeped me out a bit, but her being there didn't bother me at all. I just don't want any gay affection near me of any kind. That rejection she got was from my Aunt and my mother. Don't put it all one me.:postcop:

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To sum up what I WAS trying to convey with this thread before it got heated was....

I don't support any homosexuality and will never donate my own personal cash to anything to support it. I'm against it, and will always vote against it, but I never go out of the way to slander any homosexuality unless it's right in front of my face and invading my space.

If you support it you are helping the disease evolve.:nono:

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I had nothing to do with it to set the record straight. I was 14! I really didn't care she was there. It was new to me then, she creeped me out a bit, but her being there didn't bother me at all. I just don't want any gay affection near me of any kind. That rejection she got was from my Aunt and my mother. Don't put it all one me.:postcop:

I said 'your family'.

You didn't/don't seem to have a problem with what they did to her. I obviously don't know her, but I'm willing to be her goal in life is not to turn your family members gay. Again, this is my 5000 ft view..I only know what you tell us. I'm not blaming YOU for what happened, I'm saying you seem to be fine with it. You haven't once said 'She's my flesh and blood family, and I love her, even if I don't agree with her lifestyle choice'.

So, I guess I'll ask you..Do you still love her even though she is a lesbian? If so, is it long distance love? For example, you love her, just as long as she doesn't come around you? This isn't a flame, I'm honest to god curious here.

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To sum up what I WAS trying to convey with this thread before it got heated was....

I don't support any homosexuality and will never donate my own personal cash to anything to support it. I'm against it, and will always vote against it, but I never go out of the way to slander any homosexuality unless it's right in front of my face and invading my space.

If you support it you are helping the disease evolve.:nono:

So, you going to quit your job then? I mean, do you know how many companies employ gay and lesbians? I mean, if you knew a company had gays and lesbians on their staff, would that mean you won't give your money to them?

You need to return the ZX14 you own because Kawasaki has some gays and lesbians on the payroll!

I think what I find funniest in all this is the back peddling. You denounce your sister and pretty much support your family's reactions and comments. Now, you say you were only 14 and didn't know better. Now you say to not put it all on you even though YOU are the one making comments. YOU are the one that told us what you and your family did to your own flesh and blood.

You then are thankful for people who YOU think support you in these posts. There isn't ONE PERSON on here that can honestly say they support how you treated your sister. Again, it isn't saying you should or shouldn't support this lifestyle or that you are wrong in thinking it isn't right, but when you are publically saying what you say and what you did to your own sister, the way you treat a human being is what we all have issue with...

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So, I guess I'll ask you..Do you still love her even though she is a lesbian? If so, is it long distance love? For example, you love her, just as long as she doesn't come around you? This isn't a flame, I'm honest to god curious here.

I don't know. I haven't seen her in probably 10-12years. We never were close. She is about 10 years older than me too I think. I really don't know her at all. If I saw her, I wouldn't know what she looks like. I care for her because I know she's a relative, but I can't say love.

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I don't know. I haven't seen her in probably 10-12years. We never were close. She is about 10 years older than me too I think. I really don't know her at all. If I saw her, I wouldn't know what she looks like. I care for her because I know she's a relative, but I can't say love.

OK now my curiosity about this is sparked... what if you have a son and one day he comes out and tells you he's gay?

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So, you going to quit your job then? I mean, do you know how many companies employ gay and lesbians? I mean, if you knew a company had gays and lesbians on their staff, would that mean you won't give your money to them?

You need to return the ZX14 you own because Kawasaki has some gays and lesbians on the payroll!

I think what I find funniest in all this is the back peddling. You denounce your sister and pretty much support your family's reactions and comments. Now, you say you were only 14 and didn't know better. Now you say to not put it all on you even though YOU are the one making comments. YOU are the one that told us what you and your family did to your own flesh and blood.

You then are thankful for people who YOU think support you in these posts. There isn't ONE PERSON on here that can honestly say they support how you treated your sister. Again, it isn't saying you should or shouldn't support this lifestyle or that you are wrong in thinking it isn't right, but when you are publically saying what you say and what you did to your own sister, the way you treat a human being is what we all have issue with...

No way my sister, she is my long distance cousin down in Florida. Yes, I was a teenager until 1997. I didn't treat her wrong in any way. I just didn't really care what they said to her. I remember laughing quietly to my brother mumbling, "Oh shit, that's messed up", and then giggling.

My beliefs is what I said at the end of the last few posts.

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OK now my curiosity about this is sparked... what if you have a son and one day he comes out and tells you he's gay?

I would be humiliated, dissappointed, and probably ball my eyes out in private. It would cut me like a knife and hurt forever. Other than that, I can't tell you what I would do. I just know my wife is anti-gay and so am I, so he will be raised the same way knowing it's wrong. Chances are he probably won't be. But if for some awful reason he is, what I said earlier is all I can say about it at this time.

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I would be humiliated, dissappointed, and probably ball my eyes out in private. It would cut me like a knife and hurt forever. Other than that, I can't tell you what I would do. I just know my wife is anti-gay and so am I, so he will be raised the same way knowing it's wrong. Chances are he probably won't be. But if for some awful reason he is, what I said earlier is all I can say about it at this time.

Fair enough as long as you still love him...

on a lighter note...

Did you know Kawasaki, Japan is home to the Festival of the Street Phallus? :lol:

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Man, I'm ashamed you guys are bikers who support homosexuality. That is sad. Talk about denouncing your manhood. I respect women and their right to vote, that has nothing to do with it. But, I will never support a gay woman on any issue. Same with a gay man.

To Nick & all other homophobes: You should close your eyes now. Don't look at this. I wouldn't want you to have your manhood denounced. :eek:


Now, are you sure you are against ALL gays?

Either way, I'm off to watch some lesbian porn now, any gay supporters want to join me?

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To Nick & all other homophobes: You should close your eyes now. Don't look at this. I wouldn't want you to have your manhood denounced. :eek:


Now, are you sure you are against ALL gays?

Either way, I'm off to watch some lesbian porn now, any gay supporters want to join me?

:burnout: on my way :D

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To Nick & all other homophobes: You should close your eyes now. Don't look at this. I wouldn't want you to have your manhood denounced. :eek:


Now, are you sure you are against ALL gays?

Either way, I'm off to watch some lesbian porn now, any gay supporters want to join me?

I think we need WAY more examples. I am very confused as to what to look for in lesbian love. I mean, homosexual love...

I think it is only fair to show more examples so I know what to rent, I mean look for...

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I think we need WAY more examples. I am very confused as to what to look for in lesbian love. I mean, homosexual love...

I think it is only fair to show more examples so I know what to rent, I mean look for...

I agree some research into this is definitely in order.

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(Picture removed to save thread space)

Either way, I'm off to watch some lesbian porn now, any gay supporters want to join me?

:lol::lol: Nice. Except two girls kissing doesn't necessarily make them lesbian. So that's a whole other gray area. It all depends on how "sexual" kissing is. Hell, there are girls that've gone to 2nd and even 3rd base with other girls and don't claim to be bi- or lesbian.

So, is it okay as long as it is a purely physical event and not a "lifestyle choice"?

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:lol::lol: Nice. Except two girls kissing doesn't necessarily make them lesbian. So that's a whole other gray area. It all depends on how "sexual" kissing is. Hell, there are girls that've gone to 2nd and even 3rd base with other girls and don't claim to be bi- or lesbian.

So, is it okay as long as it is a purely physical event and not a "lifestyle choice"?

No homerun here! They must be just friends! I mean it's only physical right?


Just two straight guys off on a manly hunting trip!

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8 years ago I was dating this stripper. Well her and I were about to have a 3some with a 18yr old friend of ours who was a virgin, and we were playing truth or dare. We all were naked, they started to finger eachother and my g/f was sucking my dick. Then the other girl came over to suck it with her and BAM! My g/f told her to stop and she can't share me and it was over. SUCKED!! :lol: I still can't believe Heidi (the friend) was wanting to lose her virginity to my g/f and I, it was AWESOME!. Though it didn't happen. :(

2 girls on 1 guy...sweet. 2 girls alone....not. Gay love...not. :D

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I have to say that I agree with Nick. As a Christian minister I believe that homosexuality is a sin, regardless of sex. It is clearly identified as an abomination before God in many places in the Holy Bible.

Now before you all flame me. I do not go out of my way to make gay and lesbians feel bad about themselves. It is not for me to judge them......."judge not lest ye be judged".

I do however feel that your sexual preference is none of my business. It is definitely none of the governments business. No laws should be made protecting anyones sexual preference. There are no laws on the books making it illegal to say anything about me being a heterosexual. A gay man can call me names all he wants and nothing would be done. Call him a "fag" or "queer" and you're in for a lawsuit.

Nick has a right to feel the way he does, just as you have a right to feel the way you do. He is right that the loosening of morals in today's society will be the downfall of this great nation. When it becomes acceptable to take away the rights of the majority for the sake of the few, the downward spiral is begun.

Tolerance is one thing. I tolerate homosexuals because not to do so would label me a hate monger and homo-phobe. Neither is the case, but watch it in the media. I'd be a monster in their eyes. Nick would be blasted as a replacement for Hitler in todays media. Is it true? Some of you on the forum now him personally. Is he a good guy or a tyrant?

It's easier to "go with the flow" on this issue. It's "in style" to be gay. I'm sorry to say that I will be hopelessly out of fashion if that's the case, I like women too much for that. I really don't think that a day will come when I can look at a hairy ass in a speedo and think to myself "Wow that looks good".

Homosexuals will have to answer for their ways on the day of judgment. Until that time, I will point them in the right direction without my personal feelings getting in the way. God gave us his laws. He gave us a blueprint for living a good and spiritual life. If we chose to disobey them, then it's on your own soul.

Oh, I forgot. Atheism is "in style" too, so I guess I'm preaching to myself....and Nick.

Nick, Don't worry about your dislike of homosexuals. You are not alone. God is a good ally.



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8 years ago I was dating this stripper. Well her and I were about to have a 3some with a 18yr old friend of ours who was a virgin, and we were playing truth or dare. We all were naked, they started to finger eachother and my g/f was sucking my dick. Then the other girl came over to suck it with her and BAM! My g/f told her to stop and she can't share me and it was over. SUCKED!! :lol: I still can't believe Heidi (the friend) was wanting to lose her virginity to my g/f and I, it was AWESOME!. Though it didn't happen. :(

2 girls on 1 guy...sweet. 2 girls alone....not. Gay love...not. :D

SOOOOOOO... It was ok for gay love between two girls as long as you were involved, huh? Wonder what the minister guy thinks of you now?


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