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Honeymoon: Sandals Resort Or Italian Tour?


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Not really. Sicilians aren't really Italian. Just ask Dennis Hopper. :)

I'm only half Sicilian. The other half is northern Mountain dego which is where I have family
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You could always goto Hawaii, and do both. Beach and site seeing. Plus no need to get a passport.

I'm just gonna toss that out there.

Hawaii is off the table for two reasons, she's been there 4 times already and we'll likely end up there in the next 2-3 years with her family as her Dad has been itching to get back

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Don't know about the Sandals resort but I've traveled the world and St Lucia is in the top 3 of all places I've been. Of course, factor in that I scuba dive and the diving there was fabulous. Plus, it's closer than Europe so less vacation time spent traveling and no jet lag. My $0.02

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  • 3 weeks later...

so due to some other exciting news for next year, the Italy trip is now off the table as my fiance won't have enough vacation days to take a 10-14 day trip like we'd want to go to Europe. So initial research has us leaning towards Antigua with still much more looking to be done!

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my Mom and Stepdads new place in SC will finally be built and they are going to have a big ass party there for their 10th Wedding Anniversary which we found out 2 weeks ago. Then just over the weekend we found out her Aunt is likely going to get a big award from her work within the military (I dont know details, I'm a terrible listener) out in Arizona so we'll be going to the Ceremony for that too

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