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Strider Toddler Bikes. Anybody Have Experience With Them?


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So I guess these things are great for teaching kids how to ride. Makes since since basically they start out like the MSF training course by pushing the bike around. Has anybody got one for their kids yet?

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Similar ones on Woot last week, except looked like MotoGP bikes, exhaust, and similar paint jobs and everything.


I know I'll be getting one when the kids old enough and hopefully finding ones that look legit or I'll have to mod it out and make it look like my race bike. 

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We go one for my son at 18 months old. He learned to ride his pedal bike without training wheels before he turned 3.  He still likes the strider more than his pedal bike actually. I highly, highly recommend it. Amazon has some really good prices on them.

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They really do work.  Our great neice and nephew have them, and they are quite advanced in their cycing skeelz.  By the way, there are races at Cobra BMX off of south High every once in a while.  It's a riot!

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Cool I think ill try to find the gp style ones. We were at a motorcycle dealership last night because I needed to get some warranty work done on my bike. While I was back at service my wife and son wondered around front looking at stuff. My son loved two things the chrome pipes on the cruisers and a yamaha 50cc dirtbike. We sat him on the 50 and he loved it grabbed the handlebars and started turning the bars. He thought it was the coolest thing ever. One of the salesmen said it looked like he was still a little small for them but suggested a strider bike saying afterwards he'd be ready for the dirt bike.

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Iron Pony has been selling the Striders for about two years. Kids (and their parents) really seem to love them, and they work just as advertised.....Who knew it was the pedals that were messing us up as kids????


One of our employees got her daughter started on a strider when she was only 1.5 years old.

She had her first race before she was two and now travels all over the place for Strider races.

They were at the Strider Nationals last year in Florida and there were several teams from Japan.




Striders are a bunch of fun right from the start. If your kid can walk they can ride a Strider, plus it is an awesome intro into the world of two wheels.   



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