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Had A Chat With A "military Collector" Wearing Uniform In Public


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So my wife, daughter and I went to Steak N Shake today. As we are waiting to order she comments about a kid sitting behind me wearing an Army uniform. I can't really see him too well she tries to explain what looks wrong with him. Maybe he hasn't been to basic training? On leave from basic? She knows something isn't right about it, he's too ate up and even she can tell that. Finally he walks past me. Probably in high school, tall scrawny kid. Wearing an ACU uniform with no name tape or rank but had the Velcro for them, US Army tape sewn on, incorrect American flag patch on the wrong shoulder sewn on not velcro, infrared square covers hanging down (not covering the squares or hidden underneath the pocket), boot laces hanging out, wearing a pistol belt with two canteens on it. I was in shock. My brain couldn't comprehend what my eyes were seeing.

He went to the bathroom and I followed him in because I wanted to confront him without making a scene. Had this been an adult I wouldn't have cared about making a scene. Anyways, I asked him what was up with the army uniform. He says, kind of smuggly I might add, that he's a military collector. I told him that's cool but I request him to no longer wear his uniforms in public, that he was wearing it completely wrong and it looked extremely bad. I explained that someone who may not realize he wasn't actually in the army could see him and how bad it was. That it brings discredit to the army to portray soldiers in that sort of way. He got scared quick and couldn't say anything, just kind of dropped his jaw and gasped. I reiterated that collecting was a cool hobby, but leave it at home. I them walked out without him being able to say another word .

I kind of wondered if he was the sort to wear the uniform to try and get free stuff from places but I don't know for sure. I do think I scared him enough that hopefully he doesn't do it again. He sat with an older guy, dad maybe, and my wife says he told him what happened. He kept looking over at me but would only see my wife watching him before he darted his eyes away. They didn't stay much longer before they got a box for a little food and left.

Just my little story for the day.

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That is weird, I don't have any military experience so I would be clueless other than probably noticing he looked out of place, so I wouldn't have addressed it.  But anyone having military experience with knowledge I feel should have as well.  It's not cool to pose, kinda like wanna be cops, aka glorified security guards.  I cannot stand that, my wifes step sisters BF is a wanna be cop, huge dude that can't drop the lbs to pass the physical, so he works security.  He isn't even licensed to carry and doesn't have a CHL either so he just rocks out his "patrol" car. 


Actually posers for anything are DB's. 

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My grand father was a WWII vet. He was in the 82nd Airborne. When my dad was a kid they lived beside a small lake that was pretty much the neighborhood public pool. I guess one day my grand father saw the grounds keeper for the lake trimming the bushes that ran along the property line and he was wearing a Nazi helmet. So my grandfather put on his uniform and walked up to the bushes and pointedhis .45 at the guys head. He told him something along the lines of "I killed several Nazis during the war I don't have a problem doing it now. Take the helmet off or I'm going to shoot it off your head." The grounds keeper took the helmet off then went and called the cops. They showed up and asked my grandfather for his side of the story and he told him what happened and if he sees the guy wearing it again he will shoot him. The cops advised him not to shoot the guy then went and told the guy "I wouldn't wear that helmet any more if I were you". If he saw the kid he probably would have done the same as you but a lot less politely.

Down here there are a lot of military bases so all the thrift stores have a lot of uniforms so any Jackass can go in and get one. We catch. A lot of criminals wearing them trying to be camo'd out to help them hide. It's pretty sad but I don't think I've ever seen someone blatantly wear a full uniform incorrectly.

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The guys that look like clueless duffel bags are funny.  Hopefully he was just envious, and not really trying to impersonate or scam.  Although, if someone is a "collector", you would think they would get more details right


I think the "militia" guys are worse.  They truly act like they are enlisted/commissioned(getting small details wrong).  One of the new Doomsday Preppers episodes filmed in CA shows exactly what I am talking about.  

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The guys that look like clueless duffel bags are funny. Hopefully he was just envious, and not really trying to impersonate or scam. Although, if someone is a "collector", you would think they would get more details right

I think the "militia" guys are worse. They truly act like they are enlisted/commissioned(getting small details wrong). One of the new Doomsday Preppers episodes filmed in CA shows exactly what I am talking about.


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I run into reservists, and active duty guys home on leave that look like bags of shit. It's like they wear it on the street and try to be a sloppy thug. They half ass their cover, patches, zip the uniform top up all the way, bust a sag with the pants, or blouse the boots too low. 

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I run into reservists, and active duty guys home on leave that look like bags of shit. It's like they wear it on the street and try to be a sloppy thug. They half ass their cover, patches, zip the uniform top up all the way, bust a sag with the pants, or blouse the boots too low.

Oh yeah, he had the top zipped all the way up too. And I agree that I'd assume a collector would know a little more about the details of a uniform. It was a very sad thing to see.

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Since he was just a kid I think it's great you talked to him privately about it but I don't know how you stayed cool while doing it. My e.a.o.s. was a long time ago and I got mad just reading about it. 

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Have seen a couple dressed wrong like that. Police stopped and talked to them. One on a bicycle was told to not come back. The other told to stop dressing up and pretending. Part of the problem is the strange attitude. Actually, the total problem.

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Since he was just a kid I think it's great you talked to him privately about it but I don't know how you stayed cool while doing it. My e.a.o.s. was a long time ago and I got mad just reading about it.

my wife said I was sitting there twitching before I went to talk with him. Then she says he went to the restroom and that's a good spot to chat with him. I did make sure he was finished. Lol I should have asked his age but he couldn't have been more than 16 I'm sure but at that age he should know better.

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The guys that look like clueless duffel bags are funny.  Hopefully he was just envious, and not really trying to impersonate or scam.  Although, if someone is a "collector", you would think they would get more details right


I think the "militia" guys are worse.  They truly act like they are enlisted/commissioned(getting small details wrong).  One of the new Doomsday Preppers episodes filmed in CA shows exactly what I am talking about.

I don't claim to know all, but being part of whats left of an active militia, we train for peace officer and medical assistamce. Ya we shoot guns in the woods, and none of us are prepper you see on tv or claim to be real militar y
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I don't claim to know all, but being part of whats left of an active militia, we train for peace officer and medical assistamce. Ya we shoot guns in the woods, and none of us are prepper you see on tv or claim to be real militar y

Omg a moderate militia?! That's pretty cool actually.

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I don't claim to know all, but being part of whats left of an active militia, we train for peace officer and medical assistamce. Ya we shoot guns in the woods, and none of us are prepper you see on tv or claim to be real militar y


That was my only point.  As long as people know the difference.

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You did well Chevy, more people need to do that, its something I would have done. I'm current active career firefighter and don't like when I see folks wearing fire dept. apparel. I know its in support, family, friends, maybe like FDNY and such, Cleveland Fire actually sells their T-shirts at fund raisers, but sometimes they like to act like you said as if they were actually a firefighter. It, to me, would be like wearing an FBI or a police T-shirt. Number one, you make yourself a target, either from someone with an axe to grind or a nutjob robbing a place. And, number two, people think you are representing that particular dept., and if you are a moron, then you make that dept. look bad. If I'm wearing anything with my dept. writing on it, I consider myself "on duty", as everyone is looking at me and will remember if I do something they may not agree with. So I take off anything with my depts. name on it if I'm off duty. Slightly different than your story but in the same vein I think.

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