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Starting An Ohio Petition To Legalize Lane-splitting - Need Your Help!


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LOL, that video was nothing more than a  support group of those who want to lane split. I didn't see anything safe the entire 14 minutes. Just three fanboi's stroking each other. 



Hey.......wait a minute......... I might get behind this if they allow texting while lane splitting 

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I'm probably more for it than against it but with all of the fucktard drivers here in Ohio, I'm thinking we don't have a long enough riding season to justify it.  


Down south, definitely yes but there are still just too many idiots in the cages.  


And I see them everyday I'm on the road in the field all over Ohio for work in my white F-150 "how in the hell did you not just see me you fucking idiot" truck.  

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LOL, that video was nothing more than a  support group of those who want to lane split. I didn't see anything safe the entire 14 minutes. Just three fanboi's stroking each other. 


My thoughts exactly.  


Why would you want to put yourself closer to a cage.  Why would would you allow yourself to be boxed in by cages?  If you're worried about traffic congestion...leave earlier.  If you're worried about getting rear ended while stopped, watch your mirrors & have an escape route.  


I may have been on board with this before cell phones/texting...but eff that noise now.

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My thoughts exactly.

Why would you want to put yourself closer to a cage. Why would would you allow yourself to be boxed in by cages? If you're worried about traffic congestion...leave earlier. If you're worried about getting rear ended while stopped, watch your mirrors & have an escape route.

I may have been on board with this before cell phones/texting...but eff that noise now.

Sure, seems legit in practice but if a truck is flying behind you and your slapping your tank listening to the new Brittany Spears single... Smash... Your done! Lesion here... BS is shit. ;)

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number one killer of riders are cars turning left in front of said rider

getting rear ended is well behind drunk riders, speeding riders and I'm rather shocked, over 40 year old riders

Over 40 riders are waay up there. slower reaction times? less likely to have taken safety course, or just bought a bike too big for their skills, or the middle age dude wanting something to cruise looking all sons of anarchy while hitting the bars with? Dunno, but an odd stat that perplexes me. over 50 I ride vastly more cautious than I did in my teens and twenties...and thirties for that matter..

As to rear ended, In 68% of rear end crashes,(meaning all accidents where a bike and a care were involved) the motorcycle was the striking vehicle


I got a better idea, add another motorcycle ONLY lane on all interstates 

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I don't think you guys understand... You do realize it will still be perfectly legal to NOT lane split if you don't want to even if something passes, right?

It will be perfectly legal when bike insurance rates rise.


It will be perfectly legal when cagers hate/misunterstand us more than they already do.


Do what YOU need to do.  For this guy the risk is not worth the reward, and I would not support legislature allowing it.

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Medina and Tiger Paw - Are you guys over 60 years old?  Reason I ask is that you sound like my dad that hates change.  The idea on lane splitting isn't for hooligan actions and it isn't done at freeway speeds.  The idea is simple.  It reduces congestion.  And, if you aren't riding like a twit, it is smooth and easy.


We had a girl from Canada that was riding with us from San Jose to the MotoGP race and she had NEVER lane split.  I asked her if she was comfortable in doing so and she said she would try it.  She did it all the way down and back and was totally fine on a hyper strada with bags.


The fact is that the lane splitting is essential for the safety of the rider.  Again...  Think about the idiots on phones, texting, fiddling with the radio, cleaning up the debris from their lunch and wiping the kid's mouth.  Also understand that the one thing you should already have as an ability as a motorcycle rider is to watch the driver's front wheels.  You will see the car pulling left or right before it happens.  Plus, this is congestion based traffic.  So, they are all bumper to bumper.


You guys slay me with the whole "death will come" mentality...


Cagers as you refer to them are all of us when we drive our cars.  In CA, not one single guy even from another state got pissed and tried to squeeze us out or anything.  There were some that were on the line and you had to tap the horn or rev the motor a tad and they'd move right over.  If it were a law, the state would promote it, educate the drivers and it would be the norm as it is in CA...

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Oh, and do you understand just how freaking retarded the idea of adding a motorcycle only lane?  You realize that you'll be the first in line to bitch that the taxes just went up to pave that lane for the millions of miles of road it will stretch, right?  Good one...


Cool you Googled the accident reports.  The thing you need to look at is congestion.  The number of car drivers and that increase annually.  That makes more sense.  All I know is that you seem fine to sit behind a "cager" and be squeezed on all sides by these metal beasts with occupants with phones and everything else.  I'd rather trust the fact that if a law, the car drivers will respect the law and we wouldn't have any issues than to sit in that traffic like you apparently are fine with...

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it's not needed here and it's dangerous. Only rookie riders and douche bags on Harley's will do it, neither of which have the skill to do it so an accident will be caused. Expericed riders that can pull it off safely know better and wouldn't do it anyway.


Here's one experienced rider who can and has pulled it off safely and would do it for sure. As for experience, I've probably ridden more miles on more different bikes in more places in the world than all but a few here, and for eight years I lived in Puerto Rico, lane-splitting every day. I rode more than 50,000 miles on that little island and never owned a car, so I could easily have lane split a couple thousand miles due to the congestion in urban areas. Never had a problem because everyone in cars knew to expect it.


So that's my experience based on thousands of miles and several years riding in a lane-splitting environment. How much experience is your opinion that it's dangerous based on?

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Here's one experienced rider who can and has pulled it off safely and would do it for sure. As for experience, I've probably ridden more miles on more different bikes in more places in the world than all but a few here, and for eight years I lived in Puerto Rico, lane-splitting every day. I rode more than 50,000 miles on that little island and never owned a car, so I could easily have lane split a couple thousand miles due to the congestion in urban areas. Never had a problem because everyone in cars knew to expect it.


So that's my experience based on thousands of miles and several years riding in a lane-splitting environment. How much experience is your opinion that it's dangerous based on?



No need for a dick swinging contest here, man.  We get that you have ridden a ton.  Just remember when bragging about how much experience you have and then throwing down on a veteran member that in all the years and miles of experience you have, was it done well and was it done correctly?  Meaning, I know many a person with loads more "miles" and have ridden several "brands of motorcycles" when compared to the average person and through all those miles and bikes, they were doing a ton of shit wrong.  Bad experience is still experience, but not always the something you should brag about.


Before you go and tally off all the accomplishments you've done and the book thing again, understand that opinions are based on things that maybe we've experienced and while maybe not the best things to say, Todd may have seen some things that most of us have not.  Remember, he's got miles and he's also a medical based professional that has seen some serious injuries.


While I agree with you as you can probably asses, I would say that your approach was pretty arrogant and I kinda hope Todd reams a hole in your hind parts.  So, I'll let him go for that.

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It's ridiculous that it isn't legal, or supported. Lane splitting or sharing isn't the same thing as stunting or speeding down the interstate at 130mph between cars.



Shit.  Don't be a pussy.  I'm gonna roll huge when this is passed and do 80mph endos on the dotted line while looking over at each driver I pass with my left hand giving them the "whazzup, peace out" sign...  Bitches, yo!

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Medina and Tiger Paw - Are you guys over 60 years old?  Reason I ask is that you sound like my dad that hates change.  


The fact is that the lane splitting is essential for the safety of the rider.


.  Think about the idiots on phones, texting, fiddling with the radio, cleaning up the debris from their lunch and wiping the kid's mouth.  Also understand that the one thing you should already have as an ability as a motorcycle rider is to watch the driver's front wheels.  You will see the car pulling left or right before it happens.  Plus, this is congestion based traffic.  So, they are all bumper to bumper.


You guys slay me with the whole "death will come" mentality...




are you under 20?  The reason I'm asking is cause it sounds like you want facts to fit your wants. 


you guys slay me with the whole "its safer to filter" mentality. 


How is it safer? How does decreasing your distance between cagers who dont see you in the first place increase your safety?

How does increasing your speed compared to those same blind cagers increase safety?

I dont get your logic, you said Think about the idiots on phones, texting, fiddling with the radio, cleaning up the debris from their lunch and wiping the kid's mouth, so you want to decrease your distance and reaction times?

All I am asking for is definitive proof, not a gut feeling. Haven't seen it- What I have seen is an emotional increase in this topic. 

I see lots of references about Cali, show me some stats from the Mecca of filtering and I'll believe 

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are you under 20? The reason I'm asking is cause it sounds like you want facts to fit your wants.

you guys slay me with the whole "its safer to filter" mentality.

How is it safer? How does decreasing your distance between cagers who dont see you in the first place increase your safety?

For one, cars don't travel near as fast to the left or to the right as they do forwards and backwards...

The dangerous place to be is directly in front of a car, because that is where cars go most of the time....

Edited by magley64
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30% less rear end crashes in California, versus Texas and Florida. The rest of the world allows it and it reduces congestion and accidents by quite a bit. You're the one being overly emotional without actually researching the topic. If you had researched the topic, you'd have known this already.

Asking for statistical data supporting your argument is being overly emotional?

erm...debates are emotional? Convince me, and you have an advocate. Otherwise...what, we revert to name calling, obfuscation and deflection?

links showing that 30% would be swell, links showing me the rest of the world? (I couldn't find it)

 Its illegal in Canda and only tolerated in most european countries, haven't gone past what I've read on wing forums and adv-as its unlikley I'm riding anywhere outside the US-




thats a Cali study, and after glossing over it, I came to a different conclusion. lane splitting is for reduction of congestion, nothing to do with safety. Lane split and it seems your chances of an accident go up about 15%

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Asking for statistical data supporting your argument is being overly emotional?

erm...debates are emotional? Convince me, and you have an advocate. Otherwise...what, we revert to name calling, obfuscation and deflection?

links showing that 30% would be swell, links showing me the rest of the world? (I couldn't find it)

 Its illegal in Canda and only tolerated in most european countries, haven't gone past what I've read on wing forums and adv-as its unlikley I'm riding anywhere outside the US-




thats a Cali study, and after glossing over it, I came to a different conclusion. lane splitting is for reduction of congestion, nothing to do with safety. Lane split and it seems your chances of an accident go up about 15%



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thats a Cali study, and after glossing over it, I came to a different conclusion. lane splitting is for reduction of congestion, nothing to do with safety. Lane split and it seems your chances of an accident go up about 15%


Wait, How did you come to that conclusion?

because 15% of respondents say they were in an accident while lane splitting?


Methinks your logic is off...


There is nothing to say that 15% wouldn't have been in an accident regardless, and the stats have already shown you're 30% less likely to be rear ended (which concerns me way more).


so to sum it up you're (at least) 15% safer

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Asking for statistical data supporting your argument is being overly emotional?

erm...debates are emotional? Convince me, and you have an advocate. Otherwise...what, we revert to name calling, obfuscation and deflection?

links showing that 30% would be swell, links showing me the rest of the world? (I couldn't find it)

 Its illegal in Canda and only tolerated in most european countries, haven't gone past what I've read on wing forums and adv-as its unlikley I'm riding anywhere outside the US-




thats a Cali study, and after glossing over it, I came to a different conclusion. lane splitting is for reduction of congestion, nothing to do with safety. Lane split and it seems your chances of an accident go up about 15%


Thanks for the link to that study.  Some good stats on both sides of the argument.  Here are some of the stats that I feel were relevant to the study.


For those who claim people are going to do it that aren't experienced and at high speeds:


"Of the motorcyclicts who lane split on roads other than freeways, 81.3% lane split only when traffic moves at 20MPH or less.-Sort of indicates that people are doing it in safer conditions.


Another stat from the same CA survey showed that 86.7% of riders who lane-split, 86.7% split less than 15mph faster than the speed of traffic. Combining both studies that would indicate that more than 70% of people who are lane-splitting are traveling under 35mph when splitting. This number shoots up to >90% when not on highways. These speeds seem reasonably safe.


Just the first couple stats I came across.


Overall my general opinion is that anything that allows me to 'legally' put my safety into my own hands seems like a great idea to myself. I'd rather make decisions while riding to protect myself rather than be forced to sit in traffic waiting to be slammed from behind by a car cause they weren't paying close enough attention. If I don't feel it's safe to lane split, I won't do it... Why? Because I'm responsible for my own safety.

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full disclosure, I already do it. Legal or not, if i feel it's the best option for me, I'm going for it.

It would be nice to not have to worry about whether or not one of the vehicles you're passing is a police officer, and instead focus completely on the dynamics of the traffic conditions.

That said, my first experience with it was in California, following a traffic cop on a motorcycle who seem impressed that I had ridden all the way from ohio. He was kind enough to show me the ropes and lead me back downtown, filtering almost the whole way.


Since that experience, I do it when the conditions call for it IMO.

Edited by magley64
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Asking for statistical data supporting your argument is being overly emotional?

erm...debates are emotional? Convince me, and you have an advocate. Otherwise...what, we revert to name calling, obfuscation and deflection?

links showing that 30% would be swell, links showing me the rest of the world? (I couldn't find it)

 Its illegal in Canda and only tolerated in most european countries, haven't gone past what I've read on wing forums and adv-as its unlikley I'm riding anywhere outside the US-




thats a Cali study, and after glossing over it, I came to a different conclusion. lane splitting is for reduction of congestion, nothing to do with safety. Lane split and it seems your chances of an accident go up about 15%


when you read this study http://www.ridetowork.org/files/docs/Lane-splitting-California-freeways-James-Oulet.pdf

try to read it with a better understanding of statistical results than you did the one you posted.


I would like you to point out the part in the study you posted where a comparison was made between the percentage of respondents who reported accidents while lane splitting vs percentage of respondents who reported accidents while not lane splitting? i didn't see it in there, i must've missed it.


the study i posted does compare it very plainly (amongst other things). and it's based on data from the most comprehensive study of motorcycle accidents ever (and still is the most comprehensive).


for the record, i never approached this topic with safety being the reason for it... it's for more rights for motorcyclists and just plain common sense (whether we agree on what makes sense is a different story).  the beauty of having more rights than you might need is that others who don't agree with you can still do it, whatever reasons they may be, and you can still do what you want.

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