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The Top 10%


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So you think prudent investors would stop investing in successful businesses because they might be taxed the same for those incomes as for regular incomes?


and yes, I'm talking about the "effective rate" which is the "bottom line".


You don't think it's a little messed up that some peoples income types are taxed less than other people's income types?


ESPECIALLY those who actually "work" for their money being taxed at a much higher rate than those who just happen to bet on the right horses?


Since you seem to hate the ''rich" but have a hardon for big federal government collecting our taxes...riddle me this?


What do you think about the fact that the 2 highest average income counties in the entire USA just happen to surround Washington DC, and are home to many of those very same federal politicians to which you direct your man love?

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Since you seem to hate the ''rich" but have a hardon for big federal government collecting our taxes...riddle me this?


What do you think about the fact that the 2 highest average income counties in the entire USA just happen to surround Washington DC, and are home to many of those very same federal politicians to which you direct your man love?

I think they should be taxed just like everyone else...


I don't hate the "rich", and I'm not a big fan of paying taxes, but if I'm paying a percentage of my income, why should those with more get to duck their civic responsibilities?

Cause they can afford a better tax accountant? GTFO

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You're blaming the wrong person. Loopholes will be exploited. Blame the law makers. It their fault. You can't offer a tax break and then come down on someone for utilizing it. That's shifty and pathetic.


I didn't offer the loophole, the wealthy persons who purchased the politicians did...


I'm a big fan of Elizabeth Warren... I wish I could have voted for her...

Edited by magley64
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So you think prudent investors would stop investing in successful businesses because they might be taxed the same for those incomes as for regular incomes?

and yes, I'm talking about the "effective rate" which is the "bottom line". (you made 40,000, you paid $8,000 or 20%) or (you made 10,000,000, you paid 1,500,000 or 15%)

yes 1,500,000 is more than 8,000, but 20% is still more than 15%

You don't think it's a little messed up that some peoples income types are taxed less than other people's income types?

ESPECIALLY those who actually "work" for their money being taxed at a much higher rate than those who just happen to bet on the right horses? Or were lucky enough to be born into the right family?

Aahhh, now I see what you're after. So, budget part of your whatever income and invest correctly and u have the same opportunity. To wish capital gains tax to be higher is stupid. Maybe the tax should be lower for the less fortunate, less smarter, less harder working, and less lucky, so they can catch up.

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Capital gains are simply not earned income as defined by the IRS.  It's the appreciation of money already earned and already taxed.


If I am smart enough not to piss all my money away, and manage to invest it wisely enough to get a return...I should be rewarded.

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Aahhh, now I see what you're after. So, budget part of your whatever income and invest correctly and u have the same opportunity. To wish capital gains tax to be higher is stupid. Maybe the tax should be lower for the less fortunate, less smarter, less harder working, and less lucky, so they can catch up.

it already is lower for the less harder working... that's the main bitch...

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If magdor is worried about non-hard-working-people that are cheating the system, here is their all star team.


Yes, too many congressmen/women earn too much money, and on top of it, spend their time writing laws to bring home money for pet projects instead of focusing on what will improve the quality of the life for citizens of the country..


It's screwed up, congress should not get to dictate their own pay...

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magley and i had a big long conversation about how he believes that generally, rich people are less hard working than non-rich people.


i still think he's wrong, and that i'm still right (always always right. always) but whatevers.  i only like to partake in big long debates about a topic only once or twice at the most. after the first time, i think i just end up suggesting suicide as a viable option for whatever stupid face i'm talking to.

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