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The Pace 2.0 - Cycle World On Line


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Been reading it in the physic magazine that gets mailed out monthly. Good advice but it contradicts Keith code in twist 2.


I noticed that too.  But I liked the not so subtle reminders that we're riding on the street and not the track.  Good to think about before those weekend twisty rides...

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Where he talks about speed, angle and radius. Close quote is 'the guys that tell you to just roll the throttle and push the inside bar are crazy'. I do like how me makes the distinction between street and track, riding with your friends vs against them. All in all good advice, and ill take free good advice wherever I can.

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Where he talks about speed, angle and radius. Close quote is 'the guys that tell you to just roll the throttle and push the inside bar are crazy'.


As with what code says, trail braking is useful in the right situation. I noticed that Nick doesn't appear to preach it like he use to. He was one to say you had to do it in every corner all the time and as deep as you can. You can watch the onboard of motogp and see they aren't even doing it all the time.


Nice read and some useful information for sure.

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True, I think some people see trail braking and rev-matching/throttle blipping at downshift as a matter of preference. If you can tip in fast enough without shortening your trail, why do it? If your clutch can handle the downshifts and your ass end doesn't hop or slide, why bother? I try to do both as a habit on the street if I'm riding anywhere near hard, to hopefully add to the muscle memory.

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I know, even tho I've been riding for a long long time, it was only a few years ago that I started really riding...and only after joining this forum and picking people's brains, reading books, watching videos, going on a few group rides....I feel that my skills have been steadily improving over the last couple seasons. I keep saying I'm going to do some track days but never get around to it, too much stuff I don't have. I'm pretty sure I'm not going to get much better without some track time tho, so maybe next year. Anyway, my muscle memory is decent now, I've trained out a lot of bad habits and trained in some good ones (like not riding on a bald rear tire really fast on unfamiliar roads 2 hours from home).

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