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Head Hunters - Staffing Agencies, Job Hunting.


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So, my employer is making cuts, a lot of cuts, often.  We still have about another 3,000 people going to be let go soon and I wanted to get peoples opinions on certain things that I have thought about trying.  Not just for the sake of leaving my employer due to a lay off, but just to see what else is available and help market myself better.


So long story short, I have my business degree from a small liberal arts college, and have been in the home lending industry and logistics industry since college.  5 years in HL and 2 years in Logistics, however not much else experience as I was a full time student and held a lot of positions around campus, both paid and not.


I have always wondered about hiring a head hunter and how it works, if it works, etc.  Same with using a staffing agency, or something similar.  I guess the main reason I am asking is I never had to really look for a job.  My first one I got hired face to face at a college job fair with a good salary and commissions, second one I was recruited, third and fourth I was an inside referral and hired on the spot.  But I also haven't had to truly look for a job for 7 years, which I am VERY thankful for, but now it looks like I may be looking soon.


I've been on careerbuilder since college, and apply to jobs left and right.  Many I am well past their requirements, some I'm not, and some after I start the process realize it will take more hours than I have with a newborn right now.  My question about careerbuilder is, has anyone ever actually heard back from a job on there?  I've been looking for like 3 months, apply to a ton of jobs and have never, once been contacted.  Same with Monster.  Actually I quit using Monster a long time ago after many years and 0 contacts.


I can pretty much hold a convo with anyone, but don't really "network" or anything as I don't go to HH or bars in general, and most of my friends are back in Mansfield, or not around Columbus to help me get an "in" except where I already work.


What are people doing now a days to find jobs, or whatever?  Guess I should just be thankful I have survived 3 sets of layoffs, which I am, but I now need to keep my doors a little more open than before.


FWIW, if anyone knows of people hiring, especially more local than my 30 mile commute each way, I'd love for some info.  My salary right now is pretty high, BUT they already cut the OT which was 15% of my last years pay, and I am spending over 5K in having 2 cars and fuel for the commute/insurance.


Thanks for any help that may be out there.  And for the record, I can't say who I work for I don't think, but most of you know my background.


Ben, I know this kinda goes in the job board, but it's more a general question than saying I need a job, so not real sure where you want this.  Feel free to move.

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I've never heard back from anything I've applied to on Monster or Careerbuilder, but I have been contacted many times by recruiters who have seen my resume on Careerbuilder. I used a professional staffing company called General Employment who got me a crappy engineering job after college. Kind of sucked, but it paid the bills for a while. They charge the client company a crazy amount (30% of first year salary!) so I'm sure it will hurt your starting pay if you go through them. I landed my current position through a recruiter who saw my resume on Careerbuilder.

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I "found" mine from past contacts at a previous employer which goes back to the networking aspect.  If you've built a solid reputation amongst your peers and supervisors it'll go a long ways to opening up doors for you.  


With the previous employer, they did make me pay for leaving, though, which IMO was juvenile on their part - substantial pay cut - but they failed to realize that money isn't my motivator.  


For me, the only site that has produced results has been LinkedIn and of course, head hunters/recruiters looking to fill a position in my field.  

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I've gotten a few jobs via headhunters, the reputable ones don't charge job seekers a penny, get their orders from employers. You typically sign a"good faith agreement" that if you're hired you agree to stay on the job for some period of time...

That was my understanding as well about the good ones.  The ones who aren't actively working for a company will charge the employee instead of the employer.


Was just curious to see what people had to say about things.

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I've actively worked with about 5 staffing agencies and headhunters, I've got nothing really bad to say about any of them. Each of the ones that actually found me positions were very easy to work with, and all had "vulture" clauses (where once they place you in a company they won't actively try to recruit you out of it unless you call them back and tell them you're looking again)


the "good faith clauses" typically were 1 year or 6 months.


The one company I worked for was actually sort of a temporary staffing agency for engineers, and their reps would routinely take me out to lunch to make sure everything was going as smoothly as I would like.

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Of my past 5 jobs, I've gotten 4 of them from applying to positions (three of those were for Manager or Director level positions) on Monster or Careerboard so don't discount those so readily. People do still hire from them. Having said that, you really do need to network and get out there. Are you on LinkedIn?  If you are, when you see a position posted for a position you are interested in, go and see if you already have any connections with the company you are applying to. If you don't, try to make a connection.


As with anything, there are good recruiters and bad recruiters.  I've met more bad than good. Try to find one that specializes in your field or industry as they will have better contacts.  Good luck to you. 



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Yeah I am on Linkedin, but haven't really explored it.  Honestly, I hate all the technology and website stuff that is needed to "network".  Definitely wish it was the shake a hand and meet face to face thing.  I don't like all the other stuff, hence why I haven't really done much with it.  I'll get on it tonight again and update verything and look around,.


We just got promising news(knock on wood), that this was the last big one and we should be good.  So hopefully this was all in vain. 

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