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Chase Laying Off Another 440


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people on dialer do. ownerships collections where my gf works pays 2-3 dollars less and the bonus structure is fucked. they dont do so hot, but she still makes about16/hr and with her mandatory OT and her bonus when she gets it, her checks are $40 less than me......supervisor jobs are cool and everything, but once you get off the phones you take a pay cut....even job coaches....


only even mentioned pay because someone posted that chase is firing everyone and rehiring new employees for 1/4 of the money, which isnt true. UPS does that, ive seen it, I know companies will do it....but that isnt the case currently at chase....you know as well as i do that the reason for all these layoffs and rehires is the reg x BS....it doesnt have to do with some big plot to fire hard working people and replace them with high schoolers at minimum wage



correct - it seems that way to the unsuspecting eye - but its not. I work for fraud, am a supervisor. I dont get bonus, no one in my dept does. Maybe I need to try going to collections, however I dont think I'd like a job like that tho - plus IMO it's always a bad idea to change positions just for the $$$$$$ - guess I am SOL

Edited by silentcropduster
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I work for Chase in fraud @ the McCoy Center, doubt my job would ever be on the line - computers cant detect fraud like humans can (yet) :angry:

so... You're a cop a teacher a mcdonalds worker and now you work for chase. How do you have time to post on forums

Sent from my flip razor using Tapatalk - now Free

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