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Ancient Confession Found: 'We Invented Jesus Christ'


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Of course you were raised to be a believer. Gotta start people on that nonsense when they're too young to question the validity of it.


I would disagree. 

My family started attending organized relious services when I was a child. The poeple of that church drove us away, because they chastized us for thinking differently. Not very Christian like. It certainly soured my taste for organized religion and the people the preach it.

When I started dating my fiancee, I started to go back to church. It was completely different than I remember. The people were very welcoming, and it wasn't at all what I remembered. No one pushed me, or brain washed me into attending. I actually wanted to attend to see how the sermon would apply to my life. I think it's all about how you take it and apply it.

There are still things that I have a very hard time grasping, but I'm not ridiculed for it.


To each their. I don't push my beliefs on anyone. I find it annoying when people do the same to me.

Edited by Cdubyah
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Hey I don't push my lack of religion onto anyone either. I do relish opportunities to have a constructive and intelligent conversation about religion, morality, the Bible and science with individuals who don't get all butt hurt and bent out of shape when I poke titanic holes in the fabric of what they've held true their whole lives but haven't met one yet.

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I would disagree. 

My family started attending organized relious services when I was a child. The poeple of that church drove us away, because they chastized us for thinking differently. Not very Christian like. It certainly soured my taste for organized religion and the people the preach it.

When I started dating my fiancee, I started to go back to church. It was completely different than I remember. The people were very welcoming, and it wasn't at all what I remembered. No one pushed me, or brain washed me into attending. I actually wanted to attend to see how the sermon would apply to my life. I think it's all about how you take it and apply it.

There are still things that I have a very hard time grasping, but I'm not ridiculed for it.


To each their. I don't push my beliefs on anyone. I find it annoying when people do the same to me.


Then you would LOVE Rock City down on campus at the Lennox, they rock it out "real musicians" and the service "and pastor" is unlike anyone you have probably seen or heard. MANY of the OSU athletes come every Sunday and there are 3 services packed with 300 plus every service every Sunday. I hated Church growing up and all the mentioned very judgmental ways and scrutinizing that goes on. You will never see anything like that there, big reason why this Church was started. Pastor Chad said recently "I have seen the Devil, and the Devil carries a Bible", come as you are and open your mind. And for every single scholar or intelligent person that tries to disprove the Bible and Jesus Christ with science/human logic/technology.....whatever, more and more often you are hearing and seeing legitimate proof that it is all very much for real. There is no other single literary gospel or documentation that is like the Bible.......NOTHING. Perfect example is INTELLIGENT PEOPLE believing that global warming is man made, boy does that theory change again and again and over and over. The Bible is the only thing on this Earth or interstellar universe after universe that does not change, it is the written word of God plain and simple. This is a good read, check this out.  http://www.gotquestions.org/Bible-God-Word.html


By the way....the majority of all my best friends are either Atheist or Agnostic, and we all get along like peas and carrots.

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sigh, all religions are ficticious and only exist in the mind of those that believe.


Yet we are all just here by chance.....you do realize that there is absolutely no possible genetic way that a fish, reptile and a bird are related or could have in any way evolved from each other? But oh the geneticists will claim "life finds a way"......that is such bullcrap. We could go on and on about so many comparisons between all the plants, insects, animals....but to believe that everything that exists was not somehow intelligent design, is very hard for me to grasp. So everything living that is here came from some kind of multiple strands of DNA that existed in space and just happened to find its way here on meteors and everything evolved over millions "or perhaps more" of years? There is no possible way for all the millions upon millions of various lifeforms that we see today to have evolved fro m something, replicate themselves, mutate......IT IS ALL TO PERFECT. That is what I believe, and I am sticking with it. Now we can all wonder who or what kind of ultimate lifeform was responsible, whether it be 1 God, many Gods or Ancient Aliens working together. Everything here was created, and evolution is absolutely laughable at best.

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Yet we are all just here by chance.....you do realize that there is absolutely no possible genetic way that a fish, reptile and a bird are related or could have in any way evolved from each other? But oh the geneticists will claim "life finds a way"......that is such bullcrap. We could go on and on about so many comparisons between all the plants, insects, animals....but to believe that everything that exists was not somehow intelligent design, is very hard for me to grasp. So everything living that is here came from some kind of multiple strands of DNA that existed in space and just happened to find its way here on meteors and everything evolved over millions "or perhaps more" of years? There is no possible way for all the millions upon millions of various lifeforms that we see today to have evolved fro m something, replicate themselves, mutate......IT IS ALL TO PERFECT. That is what I believe, and I am sticking with it. Now we can all wonder who or what kind of ultimate lifeform was responsible, whether it be 1 God, many Gods or Ancient Aliens working together. Everything here was created, and evolution is absolutely laughable at best.

You're right, it's much more plausible that a supreme being who always just existed made a rib woman from a dirt man and together they populated the earth with all of humanity. I will never understand the mindset of people who look at everything else science has done: modern medicine, space travel, microcomputers etc and say "yeah, go science" but when the same academic community arrives at a consensus on the origin of life that doesn't involve magic and mythical beings, they lose their shit. Fossil records that go back millions of years, not the mere 6 thousand the bible claims as the earth's age (but it's ok we can cherry pick stuff) concur with the theory of evolution. And before any of you come out with 'it's only a theory' go and read the definition of a scientific theory. Gravity is a theory as well. People that give the dismissal of evolution you just did only prove that they know nothing about it and refuse to learn.

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Then you would LOVE Rock City down on campus at the Lennox, they rock it out "real musicians" and the service "and pastor" is unlike anyone you have probably seen or heard. MANY of the OSU athletes come every Sunday and there are 3 services packed with 300 plus every service every Sunday. I hated Church growing up and all the mentioned very judgmental ways and scrutinizing that goes on. You will never see anything like that there, big reason why this Church was started. Pastor Chad said recently "I have seen the Devil, and the Devil carries a Bible", come as you are and open your mind. And for every single scholar or intelligent person that tries to disprove the Bible and Jesus Christ with science/human logic/technology.....whatever, more and more often you are hearing and seeing legitimate proof that it is all very much for real. There is no other single literary gospel or documentation that is like the Bible.......NOTHING. Perfect example is INTELLIGENT PEOPLE believing that global warming is man made, boy does that theory change again and again and over and over. The Bible is the only thing on this Earth or interstellar universe after universe that does not change, it is the written word of God plain and simple. This is a good read, check this out.  http://www.gotquestions.org/Bible-God-Word.html


By the way....the majority of all my best friends are either Atheist or Agnostic, and we all get along like peas and carrots.

I was unaware of any religions documents being changed/altered more than the bible.

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I was unaware of any religions documents being changed/altered more than the bible.

This. The Bible is nothing more than a series of unrelated fables told by word of mouth for a couple generations, then written by various artists. A handful were cherry picked by a bunch of priests, and declared the true word of god. Then they were translated poorly from dead language to dead language...

Disregard that it contradicts itself hundreds of times, and the utter absurdity of many of the stories, and its still not a very good guide for even morality.

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Yet we are all just here by chance.....you do realize that there is absolutely no possible genetic way that a fish, reptile and a bird are related or could have in any way evolved from each other? But oh the geneticists will claim "life finds a way"......that is such bullcrap.

Where is your Genetics degree?


All genetic code is interchangeable on earth, all are composed of 4 base pairs. This means you can pull a gene from a fish, put it in a reptile, then drop into a bird embryo and it will do something (maybe nothing useful, but it will communicate).


Your claim that "there is no way" is the complete bullshit.


Complex organisms can and have developed over a period of time using not only random mutation, but natural selection (which is not random).

it's the interaction of the two that give us the diverse and immensely complex organisms you see today.


If the organisms on earth today were "intelligently designed" then they were designed quite poorly.

Consider the laryngeal nerve of the giraffe, it starts at it's brain, runs all the way down the neck, around the heart and then back up to the larynx...Why?

An intelligent designer would simply wire the nerve directly to the brain.


Edited by magley64
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The biggest nail in the coffin to a omnipotent, omniscient, omnibenevolent single god is the problem of evil.

I've not gotten a single theodicy that isn't full of holes.


The most common one is the "free will defense" and it goes something like this:

God gave humans free will, and thus they chose evil. I.E. Free will is incompatible with the elimination of evil.



Q: Does god have free will?

A: Of course he does.


Then why can't he create humans with the same capacity to always choose good of their free will?


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Yet we are all just here by chance.....you do realize that there is absolutely no possible genetic way that a fish, reptile and a bird are related or could have in any way evolved from each other? But oh the geneticists will claim "life finds a way"......that is such bullcrap.


You just need to have faith :)


(Actually the evidence that supports evolution is pretty comprehensive and compelling.  Most that don't believe in evolution have a vested interest in another belief system that makes them either unwilling or unable to consider other possibilities)

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The biggest nail in the coffin to a omnipotent, omniscient, omnibenevolent single god is the problem of evil.

I've not gotten a single theodicy that isn't full of holes.


The most common one is the "free will defense" and it goes something like this:

God gave humans free will, and thus they chose evil. I.E. Free will is incompatible with the elimination of evil.



Q: Does god have free will?

A: Of course he does.


Then why can't he create humans with the same capacity to always choose good of their free will?


its almost as if Christians portray god as saying... If you're not good I'm sendings you to hell, but I'm going to allow an evil snake/dragon that lives in a fiery underground cavern to temp you, so I can send you to hell. Lol
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