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Federal Helmet Law Coming?


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Most of the inmates are black or hispanic on drug charges (39% black, 20% hispanic, yet each only constitutes about 10% of the total US population). Legalizing and taxing would solve that issue.


"Perhaps the single greatest force behind the growth of the prison population has been the national "war on drugs." The number of incarcerated drug offenders has increased twelvefold since 1980. In 2000, 22 percent of those in federal and state prisons were convicted on drug charges." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Incarceration_in_the_United_States


Prohibition is such an easy test case for the law of supply and demand on a society. Why anyone ever thought that outlawing drugs was a solution is beyond me. Unless, the real aim was to incarcerate minorities, in which case, it has been a smashing success.

Edited by Revelstoker
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Bingo. It's alright to drink until you can't function, but the world would go to pot if someone lit a joint up in this mother fucker. Heaven forbid I eat all the fucking Oreos.

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I am 100% behind the idea of every rider wearing a proper helmet, yet a mandatory helmet law would more than likely become damn annoying in short order. Any national law is going to be watered down to the point where even the least protective $30 half-helmet would qualify under DOT approval. While the pressure to wear a proper helmet would not only decrease injuries overall, and likely even lower helmet prices as sales rise nationally, every time a rider gets broadsided by an SUV and dies, it'd be a week of wading through loud complaints about that death CLEARLY proving helmets are useless.

Not to mention all the riders who get around existing helmet laws with fake DOT stickers on skid lids.

Instead, as important as I think helmets are, I have to agree with the AMA that we're likely better off using that money in rider education, and in particular, anti-drunk-driving efforts, which account for far too many accidents.

Edited by Agent3012
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Helmet is indeed only one factor of several.



Medical Insurance



Those three seem to keep most people alive, for whatever reasons.


Add in that a huge percentage of injuries/deaths/crashes tend to be large displacement: greater than 1200cc.


edit: So if helmets are mandatory, and health insurance is mandatory, that leaves sober to become mandatory with outlawed bikes over a certain displacement or weight or something. Then the regulations can go off and worry about something else instead. Like clueless drivers in general of all types.


note: I don't wear a bicycle helmet. I just don't relate to that. Learn to fall without hurting yourself.

Edited by ReconRat
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Your freedom to make choices about your health and well being was relinquished when Obama was voted into office.  It is time to admit that the sheeple have spoken and now we all must reap the benefits of this.  Enjoy your self made nanny state with forced healthcare and the government telling you how to run your life. 


Thank you.




This is a stupid post, sorry.



There's no "freedom of choice". You're using public roads, which means you have to abide by whatever rules exist for those roads. I don't see everybody complaining that all cars have to have two headlights, or working taillights, or exhaust systems that don't deafen the neighborhood, etc...


Again, there's no such thing as freedom of choice. Letting people ride without helmets shouldn't be allowed anyway.

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This is a stupid post, sorry.



There's no "freedom of choice". You're using public roads, which means you have to abide by whatever rules exist for those roads. I don't see everybody complaining that all cars have to have two headlights, or working taillights, or exhaust systems that don't deafen the neighborhood, etc...


Again, there's no such thing as freedom of choice. Letting people ride without helmets shouldn't be allowed anyway.


So why stop there? 

If helmets are mandated, why not mandate leather jackets, leather gloves, back protectors, goggles, leather pants, boots, a cup, heated jacket liner, ABS system, and an airbag?


Especially for children's motorcycles 

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So why stop there? 

If helmets are mandated, why not mandate leather jackets, leather gloves, back protectors, goggles, leather pants, boots, a cup, heated jacket liner, ABS system, and an airbag?


Especially for children's motorcycles 


Calm down Francis, we're just talking about Helmets... ;-)


Not everything has to be a slippery slope.

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I wouldn't mind stronger pressure on manufacturers to make ABS available on all motorcycles in the US. The technology will help reduce crashes before they happen, versus act on one in progress like helmets and other items in the list.

The US Insurance Institute for Highway Safety conducted a study of ABS that concluded that 250cc and above bikes equipped with ABS are 37% less likely to be involved in a fatal crash, and completed another study that concluded that 48% of all severe and fatal crashes could have been avoided with motorcycle ABS.

The EU has mandated that ABS will be required on all 125cc and above bikes for sale in 2016 and onward. Hopefully that will help make it more common here as well.

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So why stop there? 

If helmets are mandated, why not mandate leather jackets, leather gloves, back protectors, goggles, leather pants, boots, a cup, heated jacket liner, ABS system, and an airbag?


Especially for children's motorcycles 


This is almost a joke post...I can't tell if you're kidding. Of that entire list, only one thing will guaranteed kill you if you don't have it: Helmet.


If you get in an accident and land on your head without a helmet, there's an extremely high chance you'll be dead (or in *very* bad shape*). Lacking the rest of your list might hurt you (break some bones, hurt your eyes, protect your nuts, provide more comfort, or general overall safety), but only one thing will kill you if overlooked: A helmet.


Don't get dramatic...anyone riding a bike *should* be forced to wear a helmet. It's the same reason seat belts and airbags are mandatory in cars now...without those two things any kind of serious accident will most-likely kill (again, because your *HEAD* will hit something).

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This is almost a joke post...I can't tell if you're kidding. Of that entire list, only one thing will guaranteed kill you if you don't have it: Helmet.


If you get in an accident and land on your head without a helmet, there's an extremely high chance you'll be dead (or in *very* bad shape*). Lacking the rest of your list might hurt you (break some bones, hurt your eyes, protect your nuts, provide more comfort, or general overall safety), but only one thing will kill you if overlooked: A helmet.


Don't get dramatic...anyone riding a bike *should* be forced to wear a helmet. It's the same reason seat belts and airbags are mandatory in cars now...without those two things any kind of serious accident will most-likely kill (again, because your *HEAD* will hit something).

thats the idea, less freedoms to make everyone safer
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This is almost a joke post...I can't tell if you're kidding. Of that entire list, only one thing will guaranteed kill you if you don't have it: Helmet.


If you get in an accident and land on your head without a helmet, there's an extremely high chance you'll be dead (or in *very* bad shape*). Lacking the rest of your list might hurt you (break some bones, hurt your eyes, protect your nuts, provide more comfort, or general overall safety), but only one thing will kill you if overlooked: A helmet.


Don't get dramatic...anyone riding a bike *should* be forced to wear a helmet. It's the same reason seat belts and airbags are mandatory in cars now...without those two things any kind of serious accident will most-likely kill (again, because your *HEAD* will hit something).


Guaranteed to kill me? then i must be dead...


I have dropped motorcycles several times and i can tell you that most crashes did not involve my head... most of them involved my shoulder, and my back... mostly cause i'm screwing around in the yard trying to get better at wheelies (during which i don't wear a helmet)


In fact, the only time i do wear a helmet is when i plan to ride my bike faster than 40 mph... 


Also, whether my car has seat belts or airbags is none of your business either. 

Edited by magley64
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Calm down Francis, we're just talking about Helmets... ;-)


Not everything has to be a slippery slope.


I didn't say anything about a slippery slope, I'm just asking why should some gear be required by law, to protect ones self and not the rest of the gear many of us decide to wear?


eye protection is in it's own category IMO because if you can't see, you can't operate a motorcycle safely, but you can certainly operate a motorcycle safely without a shell around your skull... 

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I don't agree with any of the states that have a mandatory helmet law, we are choosing to ride a motorcycle which as we know can be risky at times, pretty obvious what happens when the head and face hits the tarmac. Choose to be foolish, same goes for not wearing any riding gear.......it is your choice to do so and it is not hurting or affecting me one bit. We cannot be protected from ourselves no matter what laws are put into place, that is pretty apparent. We either live and learn......or we don't.

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My lack of safety gear doesn't have shit to do with you, brother. Keep your greasy, do-gooder hands away from me and my property.


Oh...man I wish I had realized idiots not wearing recommended gear *WASN'T* one of the reasons insurance rates and taxes were so high.


That's sarcasm. It *is* one of the reasons those two things are higher than they should be. Fools get in accidents without gear and exorbitant health costs raise both insurance and taxes.





So ya, it *does* have shit to do with me.

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