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Cbus warehouse/building to borrow/rent for 24 hours ?


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Anyone local to Cbus have access to a building with a large garage door, water hookup, and maybe insulation/heat ? 


Long story short, I am looking for a place I can wash my vehicles by hand through the winter and maybe toss some sealent on my truck after doing some research.


Really just looking for a place with a drain, water connection, 8 foot door, and power would be good.  Heat is optional unless it gets uber cold, I don't have a torpedo heater so some sort of heat even if like 55 degrees would be nice.


Looking to rent space for like 24 hours, head in Saturday AM, out Saturday PM/Sunday mid day at the latest, will pay in beer, sexual favors, cash, etc.


If anyone has access to something similar can you PM me.  It'd make my life a lot easier than cashing in on 26 bux every 2-3 weeks and I like to get a coat of wax/sealent on in the winter.



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