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lasik who's had it done


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My wife had this done a couple of years ago.  I would have considered it, but $3k toward racing sounded like a better idea :D


anyway, my wife (and her sister) have both been very happy with their treatments.  The only thing that is truly annoying is wearing glasses instead of contacts for the month (or however long it is...) leading up to the surgery.  If you're already a glasses guy, then you won't even notice the difference.


My father-in-law also had this done years ago, and he's been happy as well.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well i had my eyes done yesterday afternoon. Wow cant believe how good i can see this morning already. I have my check up today to see how it all worked out. My eyes are a little itchy and still a little blurry. Feels like i slept in my contacts lol. Should have done this years ago.

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I had it about 8 years ago. Overall I'm happy but I do have a number of side effects that are annoying. At night, I get star bursts around lights that make it a little more difficult to drive. The big thing is that I have dry eyes now. This is a VERY common side effect. I have to use drops a lot in the wintertime and when they get dry, my visual acuity goes to shit. It gets to the point that I have to use eye gel, not drops. Some people get very severe dry eyes that's painful. Do some googling on the subject and you see the extent of it.


BTW, 20/20 vision men nothing in terms of visual acuity. The definition of 20/20 vision is that you can determine letters at 20 feet what should normally be seen at that distance by most others. Well, if you see double, or triple but can still read it, that's still 20/20 vision.


I spent a lot of time debating whether or not to get the surgery. My father in law was (he passed recently) a doctor and he kept telling me you should never operate on a healthy organ. Ultimately I decided to do it because I could not wear contacts and sports goggles weren't available in my prescription. I used to play a lot of basketball and softball and well as diving and this made doing those activities so much easier.


The bottom line is that I tell people they shouldn't have the surgery if contacts are an option. There's a lot of risk involved that IMO is not worth it if you can correct your vision with contacts.

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My father had lasik at least 15 years ago and still sees great. His script was -8 or so in both eyes.

My ex gf also had the PRK her script was -8.5 that was almost 2 years ago. We still talk on occasion and she says her vision is still great.

I don't wear glasses so can't speak for the surgery, but based on those in my life who've had it, I think it's great.

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