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Financial world shaken by 4 bankers' apparent suicides in a week


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Swedish spelling.

From the article: De 52-jarige Geert Tack vertrok op 5 november vanuit zijn woning in Haaltert naar zijn werk, maar daar kwam hij nooit aan. Er werd een opsporingsbericht verspreid en er vond een zoekactie plaats in de buurt van het Zwin, waar zijn verlaten auto werd aangetroffen.

Translate only goes so far.

No doubt, however these guys have done the hard work for us. All international big time players. All under mysterious circumstances if you believe them.

(insert theme music here)

More interesting is that the story is still alive.

Not sure I'd call those guys all big time international players ... Lot of those job titles don't mean anything.. Even senior management... I couldn't even being to tell you how many people in banking have inflated titles that have barely any weight... My boss' title is Assistant Vice President and she's only 2 levels above new hires off the street... Without looking, I believe there's about 7 steps up from there. Edited by Steve Butters
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I see all these suicides by jumping off buildings. I have to wonder how many regret their decision before hitting the ground? I'm scared of heights and every time I've jumped off of a significant height into water (really high diving boards, bridges or cliffs) I freak out for a second and wish I hadn't jumped off that. I could only imagine the thought of jumping on to a solid surface. Especially with the way adrenaline seems too slow everything down. I put jumping off a building up there with as smart as lighting oneself on fire or trying to freeze oneself to death.

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but but.... compare JPMorgan to CitiBank. Both about the same size, but one has mass quantities of "suicides", and the other has none.

Could be job culture. Maybe citi treats people better than JPMorgan, maybe less stress, who knows... But a bunch of no name people jumping off buildings isn't some huge conspiracy... I work for a major bank, one of the largest in the world, and I've never even heard of any of these people (even the ones listed from where I work)... "international big shots" just doesn't make sense to me, neither does a "conspiracy" involving suicide of no name people who work in a high stress industry

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but but.... compare JPMorgan to CitiBank. Both about the same size, but one has mass quantities of "suicides", and the other has none.

Maybe M. Knight Shayamalamalan can make a bad movie out of it. "Based on true events."

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  • 1 month later...

Short article with marginal value, but I'd agree with the conclusion. If you rounded up all the bankers in North America, I bet you'd have a million or more people (240k from JP Morgan Chase alone). 36 deaths doesn't feel like a big number in that light.

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