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Weekend was amazing...incident filled, but nothing too serious in our group, just kept us all very busy.  


What everyone says about tire wear at Jennings is true, and doubly so if you suspension is even a little off.  My rebound was a little too stiff in the rear and I smoked a new rear tire in six 15 minute sessions, could have flipped it and probably got 8 or 9.  After a session on the next tire I loosened up the rebound and it cleaned up pretty well.  I'd probably plan for 2 day maximum for a rear at a ~<1:30 pace.


Still uploading and processing videos.  First is a rear view unedited of the 6th session Monday....front camera was dead, but the rear turned out pretty damn sweet; dropped down into the 27's for the last two laps and didn't even realize I was being tailed.  Matt and Brandon show up around 4 minutes in.  At 10:30 I do a practice start and run my best laps of the weekend with open track ahead.


Second video is the Monday OR train.


Edited by RHill
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What was that little leg kick by Brandon all about at 5:55?  Pissed at that guy who decided to throw an arm up and pit so late?  Haha

Haha thanks for letting me be a part of that. My legs just couldn't take it anymore, need to hit the gym harder I guess.

That was my favorite session out of the weekend.

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What was that little leg kick by Brandon all about at 5:55?  Pissed at that guy who decided to throw an arm up and pit so late?  Haha


Pretty much. I wasn't pissed but was more or less saying Hi / Bye to Jester. You couldn't see him in the video but he was right behind me when I did it.


In hindsight it probably wasn't the best idea. Ryan probably thought I was going to pit in too. Next time I'll just give the "princess wave"

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Not a big deal...I wasn't sure if you were signaling in or to Dan...but it was aparent when you continued on and it wasn't like I was going to run up your inside into 13 if I thought you were going to pit in.



Sweet videos, Ryan.


I have a lot more....might try editing a segment complolation of everyone that went down. 

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I didnt take much video. Heather has a little over 700 pictures that she edited, but when she exported them last night she put her watermark for her photography company on them so she has to go re do about 250 of them. I made this thread and was going to start posting them when I saw that it was on some of the pictures.

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There are a ton more that I will put in a drop box for each of you guys but here are some of the ones that I picked out. Let me know if you want anything done with any of them. Heather spent alot of time going through these and putting them in different folders for everyone.




















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