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GoPro Hero 3+ Black Edition or Silver Edition


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Not sure if this is the correct place to post this, but here goes nothing.



So, I am looking at upgrading my current GoPro which is the original HD Hero 1 Motorsports Edition to the latest Hero 3+, but I cannot decide or figure out which one I should get, either the Black Edition or the Silver Edition.

So, my question is who all has the Silver Edition Hero 3+?  How do you like it?  Besides the savings of $100 over the Black Edition, what made you decide on the Silver Edition and not the top dog (Black Edition)?

I am looking at the specs comparison on GoPro's site and some of it is gibberish to me at the moment. 

However, some nice features on the Black Edition are Burst Photo rates of up 30 in 1 second compared to the Silver Edition's 10 in 1 second. 

Another is Continuous Photo shooting on the Black Edition whereas the Silver Edition doesn't have that capability.

Still few other features of the Black Edition that seems nice is the SuperView, Protune and Auto Low Light adjustments that the Silver Edition doesn't have.

Other than these mentioned features built into the Black Edition camera and coming with the WiFi Remote there doesn't seem to be much difference in the two edition.

But I am wondering how much of these features are used on a daily basis or on average.  I mean I am no professional photographer and don't plan to be one.  I just want to be able to film my trips down the road on two wheels and such. 

So, I am wondering what others went with and how well it meets their needs and if they regret not going with the Black Edition instead.

Thanks in advance.



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You need to look past the remote.  The remote is really great and awesome especially when you want to make sure the gopro is on, right mode, etc instead of having to guess when it is on the bike or helmet.


BUT, the big difference is The MP of each camera when doing pics and the up to resolution on the video.  The Black will net up to 1060p60 while the silver is 4k.  For track and street video, I think this looks much better when using the black.  I am super impressed by the video quality.  We used them on a trip with our Hypers on ice and the video and pic quality was amazing.  And, our cell phones didn't work while it was so cold and yet the GoPros did flawlessly.  The battery life isn't as bad as everyone says it is.  We got almost all day out of a battery in each camera and we had 8 going all day...


It's worth the $100 to get the black...

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I have the silver and don't have any complaints. I use it regularly on the bike and, oddly, it has found a regular purpose at work.

I believe the black edition is a different and better lens. I don't know anyone who has the black so I can't speak to the quality difference.

I'm pretty sure the black also comes with the wireless remote which is about $70.

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Personally, I have compared both when asking the same question during my purchase, and the Black edition's benefits far outweigh the added cost. The video is just sooooo much better with the Black vs a Silver.

The wireless remote is nice, but I don't use it much. I prefer to use my smart phone because it acts as an LCD screen with the GoPro app. And I'm not sure if that is exclusive to the Black Edition, but if the Silver edition doesn't allow smart phone connectivity, I wouldn't even consider the Silver.

Just my opinion based on experience.

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