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Prayer request


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Hello all,

I'm not sure what to say or where to start, but here goes. I work as an administrator for a K-8 school in Dayton. We found out today that one of our fifth graders lost his life over our spring break. I will not go into the details as to what happened out of respect for him and his family.

This is my tenth year working in the schools and the first time I've lost a student. My heart is broken and I haven't a clue as what to do. He was such a sweet kid. He was always someone that brought a smile to your face.

A quick story to understand Vincent. A few years ago there was a kid that was getting picked on while riding the bus. I talked to bunch of kids about it and Vincent was the one student that told me what has happening and told me he would do everything he could to help. He did. He sat next to the boy. He informed the bus driver what was happening. He would come to me every morning and tell me how the ride was that morning and about the ride home the night before. He was always helping others and volunteering to help however he could.

I can't help but see his face and his smile. He was far too young to lose his life. All my thoughts and prayers have been for his family.

If you have a moment please pray for him and his family, send kind thoughts or whatever please do. If you would like his family to see them please feel free to leave them here http://m.newcomerdayton.com/obituary.aspx?src=value&obitid=80900&fname=Vincent&lname=Cloud&city=Dayton&st=Ohio

If you feel compelled to help offset his families medical bills and funeral costs please visit https://www.giveforward.com/fundraiser/1q94/vinnie-s-final-expenses

Thank you and God bless all of you. Hold your children tight and love on them.

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