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Satanists unveil design for Oklahoma Capitol monument

Strictly Street

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OKLAHOMA CITY (AP) — A satanic group unveiled designs Monday for a 7-foot-tall statue of Satan it wants to put at the Oklahoma state Capitol, where a Ten Commandments monument was placed in 2012.


The New York-based Satanic Temple formally submitted its application to a panel that oversees the Capitol grounds, including an artist's rendering that depicts Satan as Baphomet, a goat-headed figure with horns, wings and a long beard that's often used as a symbol of the occult. In the rendering, Satan is sitting in a pentagram-adorned throne with smiling children next to him.

“The monument has been designed to reflect the views of Satanists in Oklahoma City and beyond,” temple spokesman Lucien Greaves said in a statement. “The statue will also have a functional purpose as a chair where people of all ages may sit on the lap of Satan for inspiration and contemplation.”


The Satanic Temple maintains that the Oklahoma Legislature's decision to authorize a privately funded Ten Commandments monument at the Capitol opened the door for its statue. The Ten Commandments monument was placed on the north steps of the building in 2012, and the Oklahoma chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union has sued to have it removed.


Similar requests for monuments have been made by a Hindu leader in Nevada, an animal rights group and the satirical Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster.


In response, the Oklahoma Capitol Preservation Commission recently placed a moratorium on considering any new requests.

“Anybody can still make their request, but we'll hold off on considering them until the lawsuit is adjudicated,” commission Chairman Trait Thompson said.







A new twist on the "Lawsuit Against Religion" on government property.


Not quite sure what the un-named "Animal Rights Group" is about. Perhaps they are claiming that they are a religion?


Yes the "Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster" is a real church. http://www.venganza.org/

They call themselves "Pastafarian's".


Nope, not taking sides on this one, just thought it was an interesting twist on the standard legal claims.


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Laughs aside, religion icons of any kind don't belong on government property. Ten Commandments. Satan statue. Hindu whatthefuckever. It's not a place of worship. It's a government building. Leave your religion out of it, please.

Concur, I believe the purpose of this exercise is to push the limits of the ruling that allowed the 10 commandments statue... so that they overturn it.

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How about commandments like this:

* Concentrate - Don't pull out into an intersection while your yelling at your kids or yacking into your mobile.

* If you going slow and faster traffic comes up behind you, get over.

* Don't run red lights - no matter how much of a big-assed hurry you're in.

* Use turn signals - they're there for a reason.

* Look before you change lanes.

* You get one lane at a time - pick one (on your side) and stay in it.

* etc.

Religion optional.

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Concur, I believe the purpose of this exercise is to push the limits of the ruling that allowed the 10 commandments statue... so that they overturn it.


Except for in the case of the 10 Commandments, if you break several of them you will more than likely end up at the courthouse. ;)

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Except for in the case of the 10 Commandments, if you break several of them you will more than likely end up at the courthouse. ;)

No you can break half of them with no legal explanation at all, the other half you can get away with depending on circumstance.

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Only three will get you into criminal trouble. #7 depends on the state you reside and mostly just in divorce cases. The first five are absolutely irrelevant, as is #10.

#6,8 and 9 are probably worth at least a glance.

6 (unless you "feel threatened") 8, and 9 if under oath.

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